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PAIREDREADRealistic FictionThe Callby Susan Parisillustrated by Aleksandar SotirovskiCountryBearProgram:CR 14Component:LRG6 U3 W2 APDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:50CV_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 3CV_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 313/02/12 3:54 PM13/02/12 3:54 PMSTRATEGIES&SKILLSAComprehensionStrategy:Make PredictionsSkill:ThemeVocabulary StrategyParagraph CluesVocabularydilemma,feebly,persistent,recoiled,roused,skewed,summon,vastnessWord Count:2,579 Program:CR 14Component:LRG6 U3 W2 APDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:50Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means,or stored in a database or retrieval system,without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,including,but not limited to,network storage or transmission,or broadcast for distance learning.Send all inquiries to:McGraw-Hill EducationTwo Penn PlazaNew York,New York 10121ISBN:978-0-02-118630-3MHID:0-02-118630-8Printed in the United States.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DOC 15 14 13 12 11 10IFCIBC_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 2IFCIBC_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 213/02/12 3:55 PM13/02/12 3:55 PMPAIREDREADEssential QuestionWhat kinds of challenges transform people?Chapter 1Baggage.2Chapter 2The Real Deal.5Chapter 3The Accident.10Respond to Reading.16The Call.17Focus on Literary Elements.20by Susan Parisillustrated by Aleksandar SotirovskiCountryBearProgram:CR 14Component:LRG6 U3 W2 APDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:50001-009_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 1001-009_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 113/02/12 3:57 PM13/02/12 3:57 PMFrankie sat on the sofa,trying to concentrate.It was difficult with her younger brother,Lee,hovering at the opposite end,expressing his frustration.Thwack!Thwack!Thwack!Lee s tennis racket connected with the upholstery,releasing a puff of dust each time.Hitting the sofa was obviously satisfying,and Frankie resolved to say nothing.If she kept reading quietly,her brother might give up and go away.No such luck.“You don t have to come,you know,”Lee whispered crossly.“Why don t you spend the day with Audrey?It s not too late.”It was a good option.Frankie didn t even want to go on the hiking trip.A few months ago,Dad had suggested taking Lee and his friends on a day trip to Rocky Mountain National Park.It was meant to be boys only,but then Mom had decided at the last minute to go to a conference,which meant she couldn t take Frankie to the aquarium,and that left Frankie stranded.Not only that,but now she was baggageher brother s unwanted baggage,and no doubt his friends too.Baggage1Chapter2Program:CR 14Component:LRG6 U3 W2 APDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:50001-009_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 2001-009_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 213/02/12 3:57 PM13/02/12 3:57 PM“I ll get you the phone,”Lee said,remaining persistent but speaking quietly so Dad wouldn t hear.It didn t work.“Lee!”Dad called from the kitchen.“We ve discussed this.Frankie s coming hiking,and that s final.”Frankie banged her book shut.Now she was mad,too.Had Dad bothered to ask if she wanted to come?No,he d just assumed she d go along,when the truth was she d much rather sit here reading about hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park than actually doing it.She didn t want to spend the day with her brother and his juvenile friends,she didn t want to clump around in hiking boots,and most of all,she didn t want to meet any bears.3Program:CR 14Component:LRG6 U3 W2 APDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:50001-009_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 3001-009_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 313/02/12 3:57 PM13/02/12 3:57 PMLee s friends Damien and Adam didn t seem surprised to find Frankie standing by the car the next morning.No doubt Lee had sent them texts complaining about her.Dad turned to them and said,“Listen up.You need to take responsibility for your own gear.Check that you have water,food,spare clothing,and a raincoat.”Frankie and the boys dutifully checked their gear.Dad s own kit was comprehensive:compass,survival blanket,first-aid kit,extra water,matches,and more.He checked his supplies while Frankie watched.Finally they were ready to go.Lee slid into the back seat next to his friends,trailing his headphones behind him.The three boys immediately started listening to music and snorting at the occasional joke that passed between them.“I bet they wouldn t notice if Dad were driving them to the moon,”Frankie thought.She was the only one looking at the changing scenery out the window.Dad followed her gaze,pleased that she seemed interested.“Look at that!”he said and waved his arm in a general way to include everything outside the car.“What?”Frankie said.“There s nothing there.”“Exactly!”Dad said.“No malls,no traffic jams,just us and the great outdoors.”STOP AND CHECKWhy does Frankie have to go on the hike with her younger brother?4Program:CR 14Component:LRG6 U3 W2 APDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:50001-009_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 4001-009_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 413/02/12 3:57 PM13/02/12 3:57 PMDad insisted their hiking experience must be the“real deal,”so he had chosen one of the least popular hiking routes,leaving from the foot of an isolated road.By the time they reached the small parking lot,it was mid-morning and there were few people around.The weather was drizzly and overcast,which seemed to please Dad even more.“We ll have the place to ourselves,”he said,dumping his gear on the ground.“No kidding,”Adam said,peering around like he d been shaken awake from a dream.“Where is everyone?”Frankie was wondering the same thing,but all she said to her dad was,“Do you have a map?”“Of course.Let s take a look.I ll show you where we re headed.”Frankie and her dad studied the map while the boys goofed around and drifted toward the trailhead.It was still drizzling when they set outthe boys racing ahead,followed by Dad and Frankie.The trail stretched before them,disappearing into the forest like a path in a fairy tale.The Real Deal2Chapter5Program:CR 14Component:LRG6 U3 W2 APDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:50001-009_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 5001-009_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 513/02/12 3:57 PM13/02/12 3:57 PM“Wait up,”Dad hollered.“We need to stick together.”Frankie and Dad found the boys around the next curve,looking as though they d been waiting all morning.“What s the problem?”Lee asked,clearly irked.“There s a trail.We won t get lost.”“Safety in numbers,”Dad said.“Safety from what?”Frankie asked suspiciously.“Bears,”Adam said.“They re all over these woods.”Frankie knew it.She knew she should have made a fuss about this trip and gone to her friend Audrey s house instead.“They re just black bears,”Damien said.“They ll leave you alone if you re careful.”“That s right,”Dad said.“Never approach one,and make lots of noise when you re hiking so you don t startle one.If you do see one,tell me right away.”“Got that,Frankie?Make sure you tell Dad right before you start running from those big bear claws and those big bear teeth.”As he said this,Lee pretended to swipe at Frankie with his outstretched arms,and he opened his mouth wide in a snarl.6Program:CR 14Component:LRG6 U3 W2 APDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:50001-009_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 6001-009_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 613/02/12 3:57 PM13/02/12 3:57 PMIn spite of herself,Frankie jumped,and Lee and the other boys laughed at her.“That s enough,Lee,”Dad said sternly.“Awww,I was just joking,Dad.”“Come on,boys,”Dad said.“We re here to hike,and this time,I d like Frankie to lead the way.”“Do I have to?”Frankie asked.“I don t want to be in the front.”“Fine!”Dad said.“I ll set the pace,but let s get going.”They climbed steadily,the day brightening around them,until eventually even Adam stopped talking.All around,there was nothing but trees,the occasional hawk,the bright-blue sky overhead,and intermittent glimpses of the magnificent Mummy Rangesnot that Frankie was enjoying the view.She was concentrating on keeping up and on not stumbling on the rocks strewn across the trail.So far,she was doing okay,and most importantly,they hadn t seen any large,hairy beasts.7Program:CR 14Component:LRG6 U3 W2 APDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:50001-009_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 7001-009_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 713/02/12 3:57 PM13/02/12 3:57 PMWhen they reached an alpine meadow,Dad announced it was lunchtime.They had climbed surprisingly high,and Frankie shrugged off her backpack and gazed at the vastness of the landscape surrounding her.“Amazing,huh?”Damien said,coming up beside her.“Bear country,”Lee said in a deep,growly voice.“Will you be quiet?”Frankie said.She was feeling frightened enough as it was,and she didn t need her brother reminding her of the possible danger.“Let s all eat in peace,”Dad suggested.“Fantastic,”Adam said.“I hope there s a ton of food!”He peered at the contents of a sandwich and recoiled in mock horror.“Hey,what s that green stuff?”“Sprouts,”Lee said glumly.“Dad grows them in a jar.”“They taste like grass,or maybe hay,”Damien said.“Your dad thinks we re horses,”Adam said,neighing and pawing at the ground while the other boys howled with laughter.“That s so not funny,”Frankie muttered.“Hanging out with Lee has really skewed your sense of humor,Adam.”STOP AND CHECKWhy was Frankie anxious about the hike?8Program:CR 14Component:LRG6 U3 W2 APDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:50001-009_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 8001-009_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 813/02/12 3:57 PM13/02/12 3:57 PMProgram:CR 14Component:LRG6 U3 W2 APDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:509001-009_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 9001-009_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 913/02/12 3:57 PM13/02/12 3:57 PMAfter lunch,Frankie trailed behind,determined to put some distance between herself and the boys.Dad,however,insisted that she stay within sight at all times.When they came across a big rock,she was happy to stop.Her boots felt hot and uncomfortable,one of her socks was twisted,and she had a blister forming.While sticking a bandage on her heel,Frankie watched Adam clamber up the rock,closely followed by Lee and Damien.Dad carefully pulled himself up after the boys,but as he went to stand up,the corner of the rock crumbled,and he lost his balance.Although he fell only a short distance,he landed awkwardlyand hard.Frankie heard the air go out of him before he mustered another breath to yell.“Dad fell!”Frankie shouted,her voice edged with tears.Lee s anxious face appeared over the edge of the rock.“I m coming down,”he said as he quickly but carefully climbed back to the ground.Dad had his right arm crossed over his chest,holding on to his left shoulder.His face was such a mask of pain that Frankie found it difficult to look at him.“Dad?”she said.“Dad,are you all right?”“I m okay,”he murmured.The Accident3Chapter10Program:CR 14Component:LRG6 U3 W2 APDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:50010_016_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 10010_016_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 1013/02/12 3:58 PM13/02/12 3:58 PM“Let s help him up,”Lee said,rushing forward.“No way,”Frankie said.“We don t know what s wrong yet.It looks like his shoulder,but it could also be his neck,his backanything.”“It s my shoulder,”Dad said feebly.“Does anything else hurt?”Frankie asked.“My head,but not as bad.”Frankie crouched and took her father s hand.It was cold,and she could barely feel his return squeeze.Frankie knew she needed to take charge,and almost immediately,she felt a calmness and strength she had not known she possessed.“We need the survival blanket,”Frankie said firmly.“The what?”Lee asked.“The silver blanket in Dad s backpack.People in shock get cold,and the blanket keeps them warm.”“How do you know that?”Lee asked.11Program:CR 14Component:LRG6 U3 W2 APDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:50010_016_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 11010_016_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 1113/02/12 3:58 PM13/02/12 3:58 PM“I read about hiking safety yesterday,”Frankie said.“It s important we keep him warm,still,and comfortable.”“I ll go for help,”Adam said.“There s that ranger station we passed before we got to the parking lot.It s not that far,and we can call emergency services from there.”Before anyone could reply,Dad roused himself,or tried to,but the effort was obviously too much,and he dropped back down.It occurred to Frankie that he probably needed water and maybe painkillers as well.Adam was already rummaging through Dad s gear.“Got it,”he cried,unfolding the map he d found.“Lookthis route is way shorter.It s not a marked trail,but I can always follow one of these streams if I get lost.See,there are tons of them.”“Good idea,Adam,”Lee said.“The sooner we get down the mountain,the better.”Was it a good idea?Frankie couldn t remember tons of streams.In fact,she could remember only two.She peered more closely as Adam s finger traced his planned route.“If you mean those lines,they re not streams,”Frankie said,pointing to the map.“They re contour lines.”12Program:CR 14Component:LRG6 U3 W2 APDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:50010_016_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 12010_016_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 1213/02/12 3:58 PM13/02/12 3:58 PM“Contour lines show altitudethat s how high you are above sea level,”she continued.“Dad showed me when we studied the map back in the parking lot.”“It still looks like a quicker route to me,”Adam said.Frankie knew she had to summon the courage to stop Adam from turning their dilemma into a disaster.“If you get hurt or stuck or something,Dad won t be rescued.”Adam drew back his foot and sent a stone scuttling across the clearing.Other than a muffled knock as it hit a tree trunk,there was silence.13Program:CR 14Component:LRG6 U3 W2 APDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:50010_016_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 13010_016_CR14_LR_G6_U3W2L50_A_118630.indd 1313/02/12 3:58 PM13/02/12 3:58 PMIn the end,Damien broke the stalemate.“Frankie s right,”he said.“It s safer to go back the way we came.”Dad groaned,and Frankie felt a jolt of fear run through her.Someone needed to leave to find help now,and she needed to look after her father.The thought of bears crept back into her mindthere was no way she was staying there alone.“One of you is staying with me,”she said to put a stop to any more arguments.“We should split into two groups of two for safety,”she added.“Let me guessyou read that too?”Adam said,but Damien quickly argued that Frankie s idea made the most sense.It seemed there was nothing more to decide,so Lee and Adam repacked one backpack and drank some water.“Make sure you take something to eat,”Frankie said,“and take the map with you.”“Man,your sister goes on and on!”Adam grumbled as the two boys prepared to go.“Tell me about it,”Lee said,but he gave Frankie an embarrassed smile before he disappeared from sight.There wasn t much to do after Lee and Adam left.Frankie adjusted the blanket around her dad and gave him water regularly while Damien watched for Lee and Adam s return.14Program:CR 14Component:LRG6 U3 W2 APDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:

