Unit 4 What's wrong with you Lesson 24 教案.doc






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Unit What's wrong with you Lesson 24 教案 What
Unit 4 What’s wrong with you? Lesson 24 教案 【教学重点】 能够较熟练地运用:Here are some apples / grapes / …for you. Don’t worry about your lessons .I’ll help you with your lessons /maths.句型行问答练习,四会掌握单词:grape. 掌握重点单词和句型,如: How are you feeling today? Here is some kiwi fruit for you. I’m worried about my lessons. I’ll help you with your English. 【教学难点】 能够了解如何使用康复卡或实物探望病人,并能运用所学句型进行简单的问候与交流。 熟悉一些介词以及一些固定搭配的用法,如for,worry about,help with。 主要是针对Lesson 23 所学探望病人的重点句型运用。 【教具准备】 1. 准备本课的学生卡片、教师卡片 2. 配套的教学课件 3. 游戏用的录音音乐 4.水果篮以及一些水果卡片 呈现新课 (Presentation) 1. 导入 The teacher shows pictures and asks, the students answer and act. T: who can act in the front? (向学生渗透所表演的动机) T: What’s wrong with you? S: My elbow hurts. / I have a fever. T: Here are some flowers for you . S: Thank you. T: Your group is flower group (以同样方法出示组标 cherry group, strawberry group and grapefruit group 2. 教学步骤 T: xxx is fine. xxx is fine. But xxx and xxx is ill. Now let’s greet to them. To learn the new sentences: How are you feeling today? I feel much better. ① T: How are you? S: Fine, thank you. T: I had a headache yesterday, can you greet to me ? S: How are you? T: I feel much better. (翻译句子并领学生读2遍,板书) T: How are you? S: I feel much better. (S-S 生生练习后展示2-3组)(评价) ②T: xxx is ill, let’s greet to him/her. T: How are you? S: I feel much better. T: “How are you?” We can also say “How are you feeling today?” (翻译句子并领学生读2遍,板书) T: Can you instead of me and greet to xxx. S: How are you feeling today? T: I feel much better. (S-S 生生练习后展示2-3组)(评价) 2. To learn the sentence: I have some xxx for you. ① T: Yesterday xxx was ill, let’s greet to him/her, OK? T: How are you feeling today? S: I feel much better. T: I have some bananas for you. S: Thank you. ② Who can instead of me and greet to xxx.? ③(S-S 生生练习后展示2-3组)(评价) 3. To learn the new sentences: I’m worried about my lessons. Don't worry. I’ll help you with your…. ① T: Yesterday I was ill. Today I feel much better. But I’m worried about my lessons. What about you? (耳语) S: I’m worried about my English. T: Don't worry. I’ll help you with your English. S: Thank you. (同样方法问其他组成员) ②(S-S 生生练习后展示2-3组)(评价) T: Kate was ill. Let’s greet to her, OK? S: OK. T: Open your books and page 64. Talk about it. (学生小组合作翻译前言) Now listen and read after the tape. (两遍) Practice in groups. Act out the dialogue in groups.(师生评价) Take out your get-well cards and objects and greet to the sick classmates. (师生评价) Now, let’s have a look at which group is the best. Homework: Make a get-well card and make up new dialogues. 3. 互动式练习 Play a game. 有请学生表演看病哑剧。另一位学生进行解说。 4. 自由互动环节 学生之间也可以通过游戏进行学习的巩固。 四个同学为一组,一个同学扮演生病的同学,另三个同学扮演前来慰问的同学,用 刚刚学过的语法和单词来练习,之后轮流扮演角色。 (1)由学生自由组合,迅速商量。 (2)挑三组学生到教室前边表演。 趣味操练 (Practice) 单词接龙游戏。主要是通过游戏加深对于单词短语的记忆。同时增强课堂趣味性。 Homework Make a get-well card and make up some new dialogues.

