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高考英语,新高考专用,题型三完形填空,考情探究1题型分析,1.体裁和内容结构 近三年新高考卷和卷的完形填空均为15个题,文本长度为200250词。文本类型均为“心灵鸡汤”类的记叙文。文本内容弘扬主旋律,传播正能量。文本大多包含六大要素:时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、经过和结果。叙述过程中作者会加入对人物语言、行为、心理的描写,也正是这方面的描写增加了学生做题的难度。整个文本包含“动作线索”和“情感线索”双线索,通过对人和事的细致描写传达出作者要表达的意思和文章的中心思想。2.试题考查词类 完形填空考查四类实词:以动词、名词为主;形容词、副词为辅。其中形容词和副词侧重考查人物心理变化和精神状态,需要考生依据上下文和人物的动作进行推测,考生普遍反映此类试题较难。,3.试题考查形式 通过对近三年新高考卷和卷完形填空的分析,我们可以发现,完形填空主要有以下五种考查方式:(1)逻辑推理:考生依据上下文,运用“移情策略”,把自己设想为2022年高考试题故事中的“环球旅行的Jessica夫妇”或“正在野营中的妈妈”,依据人物身份进行合理推断,选出符合人物心理描写的形容词和符合人物心理活动的动作。(2)文化背景:完形填空均为中国或欧美文化生活的小故事,需要考生依据所学文化背景知识选出正确选项。(3)词汇复现:世界上存在的语言都具有丰富性这一典型特征,作者均避免在同一篇文章中反复使用同一词汇表达同一个含义。完形填空文本虽,短,但是对表达喜悦、紧张、失望等的单词、词组多使用同义词复现、近义词复现,有时也会使用原词复现或反义词复现。(4)词义辨析:每一个题的四个选项词性相同,但词义不同。多数情况下两个选项是“positive(积极、正向)”,两个选项是“negative(消极、负面)”,有时一个选项也会是“neutral(客观、中立)”。(5)熟词生义:所谓熟词生义就是指我们熟悉的一个单词在新的文本中用法、词性、词义不同,即不是我们所熟知的含义。例如brave,我们通常认为它是形容词,意思是“勇敢的”,但是在句子“Thousands have braved i-cy rain to demonstrate their support.”中的brave是动词,意思是“勇于置身(恶劣或危险的环境)”。熟词生义也往往是考试的难点。,2备考建议熟记课标词汇,重视熟词生义 熟记新课标英语词汇3000词是做好完形填空的前提。考生要熟悉课标词汇的用法、掌握基本的构词知识,多积累词块和固定搭配,例如thunder rolled;make sense;break the silence等。同时,学习熟词生义,对brave、strange(多表示奇怪的,陌生的,但有时也表示“感觉不舒服的”)等熟悉的词汇,继续研究其第3、4种用法,并进行针对性的词汇过关训练,提升自己在具体句子中理解和使用词汇的能力。依据文本大意,宏观推断答案 完形填空试题着重考查考生在一篇文本中对词汇、语篇和文化知识的理解。考生应快速通读全文,根据首句提示,借助文中的关键词,全面理解,文章大意,理清脉络,抓住主线,依据人物特点,前后联系,作出正确决断。分析上下文逻辑,锁定合理答案 完形填空中有的题目设置是为了考查考生对人物感情的逻辑性的精准判断;考查对特殊语境下人物的情绪演变、行为态度、语言褒贬和方式转变的理解判断。这也是对考生思维品质的一种考查。做此类题时,考生一定要理清上下文之间的逻辑关系:是转折关系还是因果关系?是递进关系还是让步关系?从而选出符合上下文逻辑的正确答案。基于中西文化,合理确定答案 完形填空中有些题目考查考生的文化意识,需要考生依靠生活常识以及中西方国家的历史地理、风俗民情等文化背景知识来选出正确答案。在备考时需要考生理解特定生活环境下的人物动作、情感态度,再根据,文本主题确定答案。运用词汇复现原则,快速找出答案 完形填空的选项设置会通过原词、近义词、同义词、词性变化等方式重现已经出现过的词汇,或者创设一种必须使用特定词汇的语境来考查考生在具体语境中使用词汇的能力。因此做此类题时,在把握语篇、依托语境的基础上,应注意关注上下文是否有相照应的词汇,运用词汇复现技巧快速找出答案。,Cloze 1(2022新高考)话题:家庭生活My husband,our children and I have had wonderful camping experi-ences over the past ten years.Some of our 1 are funny,especially from the early years when our chil-dren were little.Once,we 2 along Chalk Creek.I was 3 that our 15-month-old boy would fall into the creek(小溪).I tied a rope around his waist to keep him near to our spot.That lasted about ten minutes.He was 4,and his crying let the whole campground know it.So 5 tying him up,I just kept a close eye on him.It 6he didnt end up in the creek.My three-year-old,however,did.,Another time,we rented a boat in Vallecito Lake.The sky was clear when we 7,but storms move in fast in the mountains,and this one quickly 8 our peaceful morning trip.The 9 picked up and thunder rolled.My husband stopped fishing to 10 the motor.Nothing.He tried again.No 11.We were stuck in the middle of the lake with a dead motor.As we all sat there 12,a fisherman pulled up,threw us a rope and towed(拖)usback.We were 13.Now,every year when my husband pulls our camper out of the garage,we are filled with a sense of 14,wondering what camping fun and 15 we will experience next.1.A.ideasB.jokesC.memoriesD.discoveries,2.A.campedB.droveC.walkedD.cycled3.A.annoyedB.surprisedC.disappointedD.worried4.A.unhurtB.unfortunateC.uncomfortableD.unafraid5.A.due toB.instead ofC.apart fromD.as for6.A.workedB.happenedC.matteredD.changed7.A.signed upB.calmed downC.checked outD.headed off8.A.arrangedB.interruptedC.completedD.recorded9.A.windB.noiseC.temperatureD.speed10.A.findB.hideC.startD.fix11.A.luckB.answerC.wonderD.signal12.A.patientlyB.tirelesslyC.doubtfullyD.helplessly,13.A.sorryB.braveC.safeD.right14.A.reliefB.dutyC.prideD.excitement15.A.failureB.adventureC.performanceD.conflict答案语篇解读 作者回忆了在过去的十年中和丈夫、孩子在一起经历的野营趣事。1.C2.A3.D4.C5.B6.A7.D8.B9.A10.C11.A12.D13.C14.D15.B,Cloze 2(2022新高考)话题:社会交往Like many young people,Jessica wants to travel the globe.Unlike most of them,this 25-year-old is doing it1.She and her husband have spent the last two years traveling the world,stopping everywhere from Paris to Singapore.It might sound like one long,expensive2,but the couple has an unusual way to make their travel3.Theyre part of a new form of the 4economy:an online group of house sitters.Throughout their no-cost stays in5homes,they feed pets and wa-ter plants in the homeowners6.Its not all sightseeing.The two travelers carefully7 their trips,schedul-ing their days around the pets that are sometimes difficult to8.But,house sitting also offers a level of9 they cant find in a hotel.“Its like10 at a friends house,”Jessica says.The couple has a high11 rate in getting accepted as house sitters and they always go beyond the homeowners12.For Jessica,that means13 plenty of pictures of happy pets,keeping the house14 and leaving a nice small gift before heading to the next house.“You want to make the homeowner feel that they made the right15,”she says.1.A.indoorsB.onlineC.single-handedD.full-time2.A.gameB.serviceC.vacationD.procedure3.A.safeB.busyC.helpfulD.affordable4.A.localB.privateC.sharingD.agricultural,5.A.strangersB.parentsC.co-workersD.neighbors6.A.favorB.defenseC.honorD.absence7.A.planB.explainC.compareD.complete8.A.buyB.transportC.chooseD.please9.A.supportB.comfortC.controlD.attention10.A.cookingB.stayingC.waitingD.studying11.A.successB.survivalC.growthD.unemployment12.A.budgetB.abilitiesC.expectationsD.understanding13.A.admiringB.donatingC.sendingD.borrowing14.A.cleanB.openC.simpleD.empty15.A.guessB.decisionC.responseD.impression,答案语篇解读 文章讲述了Jessica夫妇通过代人照看房子穷游世界的故事。1.D2.C3.D4.C5.A6.D7.A8.D9.B10.B11.A12.C13.C14.A15.B,Cloze 3(2021新高考)话题:正确的人生态度My life as a tax-paying employed person began in middle school,when,for three whole days,I worked in a baking factory.My best friend Betsys father was a manager at Hough Bakeries,which,at Easter time,1 little bunny(兔子)cakes for all its 2 throughout Cleveland.It happened that the plant downtown needed eight kids for 3 help during our spring break,for which I had no 4 beyond listening to my favorite records.Id 5 minimum wage.Id see how a factory 6.My parents thought all of this was a grand idea and called Betsys dad with their 7.Our 8 in the factory were simple:Place cakes on a moving belt.Attach,icing(糖霜)ears.Apply icing eyes and nose.9 bunny from the belt.This was 10 than it sounds.11 a bit and the cakes pile up.As I told my parents at dinner that first night,it was all a little more high-pressure than Id 12.Dad 13.The son of a grocer,hed spent the summers of his childhood 14 food in Bernardsville,New Jersey.This was the sort of work that made you 15 the dollars you earned and respect those who did the work,he told me.1.A.soldB.orderedC.madeD.reserved2.A.storesB.familiesC.schoolsD.citizens3.A.generousB.financialC.technicalD.temporary,4.A.plansB.problemsC.excusesD.hobbies5.A.offerB.earnC.setD.suggest6.A.workedB.closedC.developedD.survived7.A.ambitionB.permissionC.experienceD.invitation8.A.joysB.ideasC.rolesD.choices9.A.SaveB.KeepC.StopD.Remove10.A.harderB.betterC.longerD.cheaper11.A.Calm downB.Slow downC.Stay onD.Move on12.A.indicatedB.witnessedC.expectedD.remembered13.A.criedB.smiledC.hesitatedD.refused14.A.tastingB.findingC.sharingD.delivering,15.A.withdrawB.donateC.receiveD.appreciate答案语篇解读 作者主要讲述了自己中学期间在烘焙厂兼职三天的工作经历。1.C2.A3.D4.A5.B6.A7.B8.C9.D10.A11.B12.C13.B14.D15.D,Cloze 4(2021新高考)话题:对社会有突出贡献的人物Over the past 38 years,Mr.Wang has pretended to be someone else many times,and has even learned to 1 different dialects(方言),leading to him being described as an“Oscar-winning actor”.The 60-year-old is not an actor,but a 2.However,he is more devoted to his“3”than any real actor.In the 1990s,a group of thieves often sold stolen goods with the help of some beggars.To look into the 4,Wang disguised(伪装)himself and 5 the beggars.Dirty shorts and old shoes gave him the 6 of a real beggar and his convincing dialect soon won him the 7 of the beggars.“I often 8 them to drink alcohol.Once they were 9,they began to,talk a lot,”Wang said.“Id then 10 myself to use the toilet,11 what the beggars said,and send the 12 to my teammates.”Wang,who is often in 13 situations,is also a judo(柔道)master.“As long as I get close enough,no criminal can 14 from me,”he said.Wangs 15 won him several honors,including a National May Day La-bor Medal and 11 Citations of Merit.1.A.teachB.compareC.assessD.speak2.A.lawyerB.doctorC.policemanD.businessman3.A.roleB.studyC.familyD.audience4.A.mirrorB.caseC.futureD.question5.A.interviewedB.joinedC.arrestedD.assisted,6.A.challengeB.experienceC.appearanceD.freedom7.A.voteB.sympathyC.permissionD.trust8.A.invitedB.forcedC.helpedD.expected9.A.drunkB.desertedC.boredD.lost10.A.guideB.persuadeC.excuseD.allow11.A.refer toB.note downC.ask aboutD.miss out12.A.planB.agreementC.directionD.information13.A.awkwardB.dangerousC.unfortunateD.strange14.A.separateB.recoverC.escapeD.hear15.A.courageB.honestyC.kindnessD.optimism,答案语篇解读 文章是对警察王先生的介绍。1.D2.C3.A4.B5.B6.C7.D8.A9.A10.C11.B12.D13.B14.C15.A,Cloze 5(2020新高考)话题:自然环境保护Molai grew up in a tiny village in India.The village lay near some wet-lands which became his second 1.He learned the value and beauty of 2 there from a very young age.When he was 16,Molai began to notice something 3 happening around his home.A flood had hit the area earlier that year and the 4 it caused had driven away a number of birds.5,the number of snakes had de-clined as well.He 6 that it was because there werent enough trees to protect them from the 7.The solution,of course,was to plant trees so the animals could seek 8 during the daytime.He turned to the 9 department for help but was told that nothing would grow there.However,Molai went looking on his own and 10 a nearby island where he began to plant trees.11 young plants in the dry season was 12 for a lone boy.Molai built at the 13 of each sapling(幼树)a bamboo platform,where he placed earthen pots with small holes to 14 rainwater.The water would then drip(滴落)on the plants below.Molai 15 to plant trees for the next 37 years.His efforts have resulted in 1,360 acres of naturally-grown land that has become home to many plants and animals.1.A.dreamB.jobC.homeD.choice2.A.natureB.youthC.cultureD.knowledge,3.A.preciousB.interestingC.disturbingD.awkward4.A.wasteB.tensionC.painD.damage5.A.BesidesB.HoweverC.ThereforeD.Otherwise6.A.agreedB.realizedC.rememberedD.predicted7.A.noiseB.heatC.diseaseD.dust8.A.directionsB.partnersC.helpD.shelter9.A.laborB.policeC.forestD.finance10.A.rebuiltB.discoveredC.leftD.managed11.A.DecoratingB.ObservingC.WateringD.Guarding12.A.toughB.illegalC.fantasticD.beneficial13.A.backB.topC.footD.side,14.A.cool downB.keep offC.purifyD.collect15.A.returnedB.learnedC.failedD.continued答案语篇解读 一场水灾使一片鸟语花香的湿地变得荒芜,Molai用了37年的时间植树造林,使这里重新成为动植物的家园。1.C2.A3.C4.D5.A6.B7.B8.D9.C10.B11.C12.A13.B14.D15.D,Cloze 6(2020新高考)话题:优秀品行When Jim Grant spotted black smoke coming out of a building on his way to work,he 1 his car to call 911.Then he 2 a U-turn,circling back to take another look.Pulling up to the building,Grant saw flames(火焰)shooting out of a second-floor window.Not seeing or hearing any fire engines 3,Grant rushed to a side 4 and ran up the stairs.On the second floor,he 5 every apartment door.“Get out!”Grant shouted.No one 6 and he assumed that people had already 7.Reaching the end of the hallway,though,Grant 8 a half-open door.He kicked it wide open,finding a 9woman in a wheelchair with a little boy,and a tiny baby.“Lets 10!”he screamed.The woman looked at him in confusion and said something about changing her clothes.Grant didnt wait.Clutching(抓牢)the baby to his chest and 11 the boy alongside,Grant ran down the hallway.When he was 12 outside,the only 13 in sight was a policeman.Grant told him about the 14 and they rushed into the smoky building.Thanks to them,a family was saved from the fire.Grant and the policeman were honored for their 15.1.A.droveB.stoppedC.reachedD.abandoned2.A.sawB.madeC.missedD.crossed3.A.burningB.leavingC.approachingD.waiting,4.A.entranceB.roadC.buildingD.window5.A.lockedB.kickedC.countedD.repaired6.A.agreedB.caredC.respondedD.understood7.A.arrivedB.returnedC.hiddenD.escaped8.A.skippedB.closedC.noticedD.remembered9.A.frightenedB.curiousC.patientD.grateful10.A.turn backB.go upC.get outD.lie down11.A.followingB.draggingC.examiningD.passing12.A.safelyB.secretlyC.suddenlyD.previously13.A.witnessB.guideC.serviceD.help14.A.womanB.doorC.carD.baby,15.A.wisdomB.generosityC.honestyD.courage答案语篇解读 文章讲述了格兰特冲上发生火灾的大楼救了两个孩子,之后又和警察一起救出了一个女人的英勇事迹。1.B2.B3.C4.A5.B6.C7.D8.C9.A10.C11.B12.A13.D14.A15.D,Cloze 1(2023届湖南邵阳二中月考一)话题:认识自我It happened a month after I began teaching in the US.I had to1 the class schedule.“Well need to prepone the quiz,”I said,preparing for the groans(哼哼声)from my students.Instead,there was a total 2.I looked around to see3 expressions on their facesthat look of“I have NO idea what you just said”,which stops any teacher from 4 a concept further in class.It was then that I found out that“prepone”was not a(n)5 word in English dictionaries.I believed that“prepone”means the 6 of“postpone”moving an event to an earlier time rather than 7 an,event.So when I realized it wasnt“proper”English,I was 8.It was a great 9 in my linguistic(语言的)self-image.I had grown up in India,where fluency in English is closely associated with the 10privilege(特权).I was an English major with a large vocabulary and11 for reading Dickens and Austen.My comfort with English had shaped my sense of 12.In a world divided into linguistic“haves”and“have-nots”,I 13 knew I was one of the“haves”.But that day in the classroom,my incomprehensible English taught me that being a linguistic“have”is14 and delusional(妄想的)at best.Leav-ing India 15 me out of my privilege and opened my eyes to the rich world of English.,1.A.meetB.designC.arrangeD.change2.A.silenceB.understandingC.messD.commitment3.A.genuineB.happyC.blankD.guilty4.A.graspingB.definingC.replacingD.explaining5.A.usefulB.simpleC.specialD.actual6.A.conceptB.formationC.oppositeD.dimension7.A.breaking offB.putting offC.calling offD.getting off8.A.astonishedB.relievedC.excitedD.disappointed9.A.reflectionB.establishmentC.honorD.shift10.A.culturalB.economicC.mentalD.commercial11.A.concernB.gratitudeC.fondnessD.tension,12.A.justiceB.beautyC.dutyD.self13.A.humblyB.definitelyC.possiblyD.barely14.A.unusualB.unstableC.reliableD.perfect15.A.tookB.cheatedC.pickedD.argued答案语篇解读 文章主要讲述作者在美国的教学过程中意识到他的英语水平并不高。1.D2.A3.C4.D5.D6.C7.B8.A9.D10.A11.C12.D13.B14.B15.A,Cloze 2(2023届河北邯郸摸底)话题:完善自我Emily had a life that anyone could hardly believe in.Before she was1 leading roles on the stage and big screen,she could barely carry a(n)2 together with her classmates.Between ages 7 and 14,Emily had a serious stutter(口吃).As she told W Magazine,she was a sensible kid and had tons to 3,but she just couldnt say it,which could have been 4 her for a long time.But that all5 when one among her junior high school teachers encour-aged her to 6 the school playgiven the very fact that she had such a tough time 7.But the teacher kept 8 pressing and suggested she try character voices to assist her in getting the words outand it 9.In her,teens,Emily had overcome her stutter and 10 to achieve the successful career she has now.Just like her,there are millions of untold11 of people who tackled the hardshi

