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山西 专版 2023 学年 中考 英语 复习 方案 04 完形 还原 短文 回答 问题 词语 运用 试题
速测(四)完形+还原短文+回答问题+词语运用 (限时:30分钟) Ⅰ.完形填空 Mrs. Wettiner was old and blind. But she tried to do everything for herself. She even used to go for walks alone from her home once a day for exercise and fresh air, and found her way by  1  things with her white stick. She learnt where everything was, so she never lost her way. But then one day some men came and  2  some trees at the side of the road which she followed. When she reached that place that evening, she didn't feel the trees with her stick, so she was in  3 .   She stopped for a minute and shouted, but she didn't hear any other people, so she went ahead for a kilometer or two, and then she heard water  4  her.  “Water?” she said aloud, and stopped. “Am I  5 ? I suppose so. I must be on a bridge, and there must be a river under me. I've been told that there's a river in this part of the country. But I don't know its exact position(位置). How am I going back to my home from here?”   Suddenly she heard a young man's friendly voice near her. It said, “Excuse me, can I help you?” “How kind of you!” Mrs. Wettiner answered  6 . “Yes, please. I'm lost. Some of the trees which I follow when I go for my evening walk were removed today, and if I am not lucky enough to meet you, I don't know what to do. Can you please help me to get home?”   “Certainly,” the man answered. “Where do you live?” Mrs. Wettiner told him, and they began walking. The man took Mrs. Wettiner to her home, and she  7  him in and gave him some coffee and a piece of cake. She told the man how  8  she was that she had met him.  “Don't thank me,” the young man said. “I want to thank you. I was trying to make up my mind to put myself into the river. But I'm not going to do it now.” (  )1.A.reading B.touching C.making (  )2.A.cut back B.cut up C.cut down (  )3.A.trouble B.happiness C.control (  )4.A.above B.under C.over (  )5.A.tired B.busy C.lost (  )6.A.happily B.patiently C.proudly (  )7.A.ordered B.joined C.invited (  )8.A.careful B.thankful C.harmful Ⅱ.[2023·绍兴改编]还原短文 请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺。选项中有一项为多余项。 Public speaking is one of the top three fears among adults in both the UK and the US. Here are some suggestions that deal with some of the most common problems people experience with public speaking. Invite the attention in Do you hate that moment when you stand up in front of a group to speak and everybody looks at you? 9.     It's a sign that people are interested and want to hear what you have to say. Welcome those looks!  Beat the brain freeze Have you ever been in the middle of speaking and suddenly…brain freeze! 10.     It is possible that you forgot something for the moment. And you are holding your breath! All you need to do is to trust yourself, clear your mind, focus and breathe. The thoughts will come rushing back to your mind in no time. Phew!  Increase your confidence Use this exercise to get in touch with the “naturally confident(自信的) you” inside. 11.     Imagine the feeling of relaxation rushing through your whole body. It will pass information to your brain that you are confident and happy. 12.       Whether you are someone who just wants to move from good to great with your speaking, or someone who feels too afraid to stand up and speak, the great news is that you can move forward, be relaxed, and run into a great speaker. 13.       A.Remember there is hope for everyone! B.Open your eyes and you are ready to go! C.Your mind goes blank! D.Be more silent! E.Well, don't do that! F.Close your eyes and remember a special time you felt really relaxed and confident. Ⅲ.阅读回答问题 请阅读下面非连续性文本,按要求完成所给任务。 It was Saturday again. Grace and Karen disliked Saturdays. That was another thing the twins had in common. They shared the same clothes and tied their hair in the same manner. In fact, it was hard for their classmates and teachers to tell them apart sometimes. Unlike their classmates, they had to get up early at seven every Saturday to prepare for their lessons. Grace had to attend the art lesson and Karen had to attend her ballet lesson. “How I wish I could do something different today,” said the twins with one voice. All at once, an idea came to Grace and Karen at the same time. “How would you like to be me for a day?” they asked each other. It seemed like a wonderful plan to them. After giving each other a description of their own friends, Grace put on Karen's ballet dress while Karen put Grace's brushes and paints into her bag. Then they left for their classes. When the art lesson started, Karen was lost. Unlike Grace, Karen was poor at drawing. When the art lesson finally ended, Karen didn't dare to hand in her work. Meanwhile, Grace was struggling in the ballet class as well. As she had no idea about the dance steps, she had to follow her classmates blindly. As a result, she kept knocking into them. Their ballet teacher became impatient with her, “Karen, you should remember the basic steps. You can't rely on co

