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城乡一体化视角下有机农业产业发展研究以南京六合区为例 农业学专业 城乡 一体化 视角 有机 农业产业 发展 研究 南京 六合 农业 专业
城乡一体化视角下有机农业产业发展研究 ——以南京六合区为例 摘要: 在结构重组和观念改革的影响下,人们对农业的认识也发生了根本变化,至今人们都把第一产业农业看作“初级化”的产业,而把工业、服务业的第二、第三产业看作“高级化”产业。但在城乡一体化的背景下,新型的农业革命呼之欲出,新的农业革命包含了土地革命、土壤革命、市场革命、人才革命、技术革命,结合现代农产品消费市场对有机农产品的需求,笔者认为城乡一体化有机农业的发展正当其时,通过我国农村土地三权分置,以及城镇化建设等一系列举措,我国有机农业发展将迎来前所未来的发展契机。 本文从有机农业相关概念和城乡一体化的定义入手,通过文献回顾法和个案研究法等方法,发现并验证了我国城乡一体化视角下有机农业产业发展现状,主要是发展的困境。接着,提出了有机产品的评估方式及指标,分别从经济、社会和环境的角度分析了产业的发展趋势。之后,在回顾了我国城乡一体化相关政策的基础上,重点引入南京市六合区的两个案例:一是学习型农村社区与“田园牧歌”,二是江苏六合现代农业产业园区。结合上述案例与六合区的相关资料,笔者从3个方面提出六合在城乡一体化视角下发展有机农业的对策建议。(1)因地制宜,将六合区根据地形大致分为三个板块:一是北部丘陵岗地区,地形复杂,适合发展多种有机产业,如旅游业等;二是南部沿江平原圩区,河道纵横,不适合种植,但经济发达适合发展有机市场和作为交通枢纽;三是中部沿滁河平原,地形平坦,适合发展有机农业的生产,且位于南北交界处作为缓冲,选择更加灵活。(2)激活乡村人力,应当尽可能地挖掘、培养并留住本地人才,尽可能诞生更多教育和创业上的能人。(3)政策指引与经济扶持,再将六合区的小镇分为三类:一是竹镇等潜力大但经济落后的区域,应优先发展并给予更多经济补贴;二是雄州街道等潜力中等且经济较发达的区域,应当就地城镇化,适当市场化;三是冶山镇一类潜力较少,经济一般的,留作后期规划。希望能够借此为城乡一体化背景下有机农业的发展提供绵薄之力。 关键词:农业革命;有机农业;城乡一体化 ABSTRACT: Under the influence of restructuring and reform ideas, fundamental changes have taken place in people awareness of agriculture also, since the first industry agriculture are regarded as "ChuJiHua" industry, and the industrial, services of the second and the third industry as a "high-level" industry. But under the background of urban-rural integration, new agricultural revolution be vividly portrayed, new agricultural revolution includes land, soil revolutions, the market revolution, revolution and technology revolution, combined with modern agricultural products consumer market demand for organic agricultural products, the author thinks that the development of urban and rural integration of organic agriculture as at the time, through our country rural land division and separation, and a series of measures such as the urbanization construction will usher in the future before the development of organic agriculture development in our country. The paper firstly researches relevant concepts of organic agriculture and the definition of urban-rural integration.Secondly,with literature review and mathematical modeling, it finds out and confirms the development of organic agriculture,especially the problems in it.Thirdly,the paper shows the evaluation methods and standards of organic productions. It also analyzes the trend of development in the aspects of economy,society and environment respectively. Later, reviewing all the relevant policy of urban-rural integration, it introduces 2 important cases in Liuhe Region of Nanjing.One of them is learning rural community and ‘Idyllic Pastoral’.The other is Jiangsu Liuhe Modern Agricultural Industry Area.On the base of the cases and relevant information about Liuhe Region,the paper puts forward planning project for the development of organic agriculture under the background of urban-rural integration.(1)Suit the measures to the local conditions.Liuhe Region is divided into three parts based on the topography.First part is hilly area in the north.Since its topography is complicated,it’s suitable for various organic industry like tourism. Second one is southern plain polder area along the river.The place is not for farming as it’s crisscrossed with rivers. However,the advanced economy there makes it possible to create the market for organic products and turn the place into a transportation hub.The last one is the plain along the Chuhe River in midlands.The land is flat enough to develop organic agriculture.Located at the junction of the north and the south,it can be a buffer with more options of development.(2)Activate the labor in the country.Try its best to mine for top talent in local areas,cultivate them and retain them.Find as more genius in education and starting a business as possible. (3)Policy guidance and economic support.The districts in Liuhe Region are sorted into 3 groups.First group is areas like Bamboo Town whose potentiality is great but economy falls behind.The place should be a priority and get more economic subsidy.Second one is areas like Xiongzhou Street with common potentiality and advanced economy.The place is supposed to be in site urbanized and properly marketized.Third one is places like Yeshan Town which have little potentiality and common economy,left for further plan in the future.The author wishes to make a little bit contribution to the development of organic agriculture under the background of urban-rural integration in this way. Keywords: agricultural revolution; Organic agriculture; Urban-rural integration 目 录 一、绪论 1 (一)研究背景及意义 1 (二)国内外研究现状 1 二、城乡一体化与有机农业的相关概念 3 (一)有机产品定义 3 (二)有机农业产业定义 4 (三)有机农业生产模式定义 4 (四)城乡一体化的定义 4 三、城乡一体化与有机农业二者间的关系 5 (一)城乡一体化与有机农业的关系 5 (二)城乡一体化视角下的有机农业发展趋势 7 四、城乡一体化视角下有机农业产业发展现状 9 (一)零星化发展 9 (二)产品质量参差不齐 9 (三)产品销路难 10 (四)有机农产品辨识度低 14 五、城乡一体化视角下有机农业产业发展的评估方式及影响因素 14 (一)评估方式 14 (二)影响因素 15 六、城乡一体化视角下有机农业产业发展趋势 18 (一)集约化发展 18 (二)机械化发展 19 (三)资源再生式的发展 20 (四)生态循环利用发展 20 七、案例分析 21 (一)城乡一体化的相关政策 21 (二)基于南京市六合区的案例分析 22 (三)规划原则与对策建议 23 八、总结与展望 26 (一)总结 26 (二)展望 26 参考文献 27 写作经过 28 一、绪论 (一)研究背景及意义 自我国城镇化建设以来,有关农村耕

