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2023 年纪 监察 信访工作 总结报告
纪检监察信访工作总结报告   纪检监察信访工作总结报告  为贯彻落实沈xx纪信群字[2023]22号文件“关于2023年度信访举报工作目标管理考核的通知〞精神,局党委、局纪委认真学习传达并积极组织自查自评工作。  一年来,我局纪检监察信访举报工作在区纪委的精心指导和局党委的正确领导下,认真按照“三个代表〞重要思想的要求,坚决贯彻执行中央、盛市纪检监察信访工作会议精神,严格落实区信访举报目标考核标准,紧紧围绕“加强教育、预防为主、履行职能、突破创新〞的工作思路,采取有力措施,扎实工作,开拓创新,不断推动纪检监察信访工作迈上新台阶,形成了一级抓一级,一级对一级负责,共同参与,分工负责,层层落实,齐抓共管的信访工作格局,促进了我局党风廉政建设和反xxxx斗争的深入开展,取得了新的明显成效。  我局现有党员33xxxx,党支部2xxxx,中层领导干部9xxxx。今年1-11月份,收到区纪委转来的来信一封,局收到信件2封,办复率10xxxx,结案率10xxxx。今年着重作了以下几个方面的工作:  一、抓机关,促基层,打牢基矗  为进一步加强全局党风廉政建设,做好信访举报工作,我们确立了“抓机关、带基层、上下联动、整体推进〞的工作指导方针,着力打好信访工作基矗一是根据区纪委的目标管理要求,我局配强配齐了机关领导力量,明确了局长分管信访工作和一名副书记主管信访工作的领导格局,对信访工作进行了责任分工,全局共设立了六个责任区,每名领导干部都有各自的信访责任区;并坚持三项领导工作制度,即领导阅批信访件制度、信访分析会制度和领导接访制度。定期组织有关科室召开信访分析会,排查线索,制定信访初查方案,并且做到领导亲自接待、协调解决越级和集体访的疑难问题和参与重要信访举报件的初查工作,确保了信访工作的顺利开展。  二是加强信访人员的素质培养。采取以会代训的形式在全局基层支部中开展纪检监察信访举报工作理论、业务知识学习活动;举办支部书记培训班,邀请区纪委领导讲课,大力宣传信访有关业务知识,进一步强化了基层办信业务素质。  三是建章立制,标准管理。我们年初及时将工作要点下发至各基层支部,同时把纪检监察机关的各项信访工作制度延伸落实到基层,把登记、送批、转办、催办、信息反映等制度下发至各基层支部,确保了基层信访工作的标准运作。四是落实责任制。坚持“分级负责、归口管理,谁主管、谁负责〞和“早发现、早预防、早准备〞的原那么,层层落实责任,进一步健全局领导接访日制度,把苗头性、倾向性的信访问题解决在基层,落实在基层。  二、建网络,畅渠道,开拓创新。  我们把积极拓宽信访渠道作为信访工作的着力点,坚持“两到位〞,即宣传到位、协作到位,认真构筑信访横向协调网络,切实形成办信联动合力。宣传到位,就是着重把信访工作知识通过墙报、宣传单、各种会议等各种有效渠道传播到人民群众中,引导人民群众依法依规举报,提供案源线索。协作到位,加强同审计部门的联动配合。在局内实行了基层行政领导干部任期经济责任审计和离任经济责任审计,并同审计局建立了工作协作配合制度。建立了由党办主任及基层支部书记 2xxxx组成的城管局信访举报工作网络,各单位均设专人负责信访举报工作;结合先进性教育活动,我局还设立了公开 两部,各基层单位都在醒目位置公布了公开 。  三、创特色,求提高,力求深化。  今年,我们立足信访工作实际,根据纪检监察信访举报工作的重点,作了一些新的尝试,开展了几项特色活动。  一是为进一步加大信访工作力度,提高工作效率和社会效果,我们实行了机关全员信访首问责任制。其主要内容是:局党办、行政办公室负责群众来信来访的接待、承办、转办、处理、回复等综合协调工作,其他科室在保证按时做好上级转办和信访室交办的信访件回复工作的同时,可直接接待、受理群众来信来访。凡第一位接待和受理群众来信来访的要按照有关规定和程序登记、办理、跟踪效劳;对反映本业务范围内的问题,要迅速组织调查、答复;涉及业务范围以外的事情,要主动将群众带到相关科室,并负责催促办理。  二是为进一步优化信访监督环境,增强监督实效,我们针对当前领导干部中出现的一般性的自律不严和轻微违纪问题较多这一现象,建立了“三项制度〞,对全局副科级以上领导干部进行信访监督和动态管理。 “三项制度〞是:一是建立诫免谈话制度。即对有信访问题但尚不够立案的党员领导干部进行告诫教育,要求其制定整改措施。先后谈话xxxx次。二是建立信函回复制度。对属于工作作风及工作方法方面的信访问题,采取向被监督对象通报信函内容的做法,防患于未然,强化教育减少和防止举报信件。三是建立指定召开专题民主生活会制度。对反映属实又不构成违纪,但在群众中有一定负面影响的问题,责成其所在单位领导班子召开自律专题民主生活会,开展批评与自我批评。  三是对群众信访较多的班子,进行适时的调整。今年对两个群众信访较多的单位的领导班子进行了调整,班子调整后整体工作有了很大的起色。  同时,我们还按照区纪委、区监察局考核标准,完成了制度建立、信息上报等任务,我们先后上报了“局纪委干部培训班等〞信息共十一件,较好地到达了考核目标。  人才招聘,上聘才网 :///  service in the search for the main body of the site.Third: discipline style rectification analysis of materialsIn the whole city discipline style rectification activities, I seriously study the important speech, secretary in the city discipline law style rectification activities, learn the new style of cadres of discipline regulations, 52 are not allowed, learning the discipline and style of the municipal living activities to rectify the reader, learn the five ban and six discipline in the study and take note, while accepting the leadership and colleagues about their education, and has done a detailed study notes, in the learning activities, through deep reflection and take seriously listen to the opinions of others, aware of their ideological work, serious problems, discipline and style of construction and so on. Are these The problem of self analysis is as follows:One, the existing problems1, in the rectification of style discipline activities, one-sided self satisfaction, since that is good work, good performance, not what problems need to be self correction. This activity and one-sided understanding of bias, and the attitude is not correct.2, the theoretical level is not high. The policy policy of the party's line, line, policy understanding only stay in the general level, no research and grasp deeply. The advanced culture understanding is not deep enough, the law, to promote publicity and ideological work in terms of laws and regulations, the master policy is relatively small few are quite superficial.3, the strict requirements of the construction itself. Not strictly in accordance with the rectification work style of cadres of discipline in the living standards of their own, and do not have a strong sense of personal integrity and self-discipline. The main doctrine, hedonism, thought by comparison often exist in the mind, thoughts of hard struggle and tight day fighting style of desalination.4, the responsibility of the work is not strong enough. In the work, not strict requirements of their own.Two, the main reason for the existence of problemsSome of these problems exist, although there are some objective factors, but more important is the subjective factors caused by. During this time, since the combination of theoretical study, the main problems and deficiencies exist on their own also many times to carefully reflect on the causes and hazards, profound analysis of producing these problems from the subjective reasons, summed up in the following aspects:1, the lack of study, raise political Susu is not high. The Deng Xiaoping theory, Three Represents important thought of lack of systematic learning, no deep understanding of Scientific Outlook on Development outlook, research is not enough, not enough to practice, to make their o

