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by James McNaughtonby James s MMc cN Na au ug gh htonJamhtPaerns sWWe ea at th he er rExpositoryTextPAIREDREADCloud AtlasProgram:CR 14Component:LRG5 U3 W3 BPDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:40CV_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 3CV_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 31/03/12 11:00 AM1/03/12 11:00 AMASTRATEGIES&SKILLSPhotography Credit:The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc./Barry Barker,photographer*The total word count is based on words in the running text and headings only.Numerals and words in captions,labels,diagrams,charts,and sidebars are not included.Word Count:2,387*ComprehensionStrategy:Ask and Answer QuestionsSkill:Main Idea and Key DetailsVocabulary StrategyGreek RootsVocabularycontact,erode,formation,moisture,particles,repetition,structures,visibleContent StandardsScienceEarth and Space ScienceProgram:CR 14Component:LRG5 U3 W3 BPDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:40Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means,or stored in a database or retrieval system,without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,including,but not limited to,network storage or transmission,or broadcast for distance learning.Send all inquiries to:McGraw-Hill EducationTwo Penn PlazaNew York,New York 10121ISBN:978-0-02-119068-3MHID:0-02-119068-2Printed in the United States.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DOC 15 14 13 12 11 10IFCIBC_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 2IFCIBC_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 21/03/12 11:00 AM1/03/12 11:00 AMPa atterns sWWe ea at th he er rPAIREDREADIntroduction .2Chapter 1Typical Weather Patterns .4Chapter 2Seasonal Weather.8Chapter 3Weird Weather .12Conclusion.16Respond to Reading.18Cloud Atlas.19Glossary.22Index.23 Focus on Science .24Essential QuestionWhere can you find patterns in nature?by James McNaughtonProgram:CR 14Component:LRG5 U3 W3 BPDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:40001_009_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 1001_009_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 11/03/12 11:04 AM1/03/12 11:04 AMIntroductionIntroductionWhat do you do when you have an outdoor event,such as a picnic,coming up?Chances are that you check the weather forecast.Its such a relief when the forecast is good!These days you can be pretty sure that it will be correct.Weather is complicated,and it used be extremely hard to predict.However,prediction has gotten much better because scientists now understand much more about how weather works.The suns heat drives our weather.Warm air rises and moves away from hot places such as the tropics to cooler places.The hot air pushes down the heavier,cooler air,which moves into the space that the warm air has left.The result of hot and cold air moving is wind,and this wind usually moves in regular patterns.Meteorologists,scientists who study weather,look for patterns in the weather.Understanding the patterns helps them to make more accurate weather predictions.Besides being able to predict the things that make up everyday weatherclouds,wind,and precipitationmeteorologists can also predict seasonal events,such as hurricanes and tornadoes.2Program:CR 14Component:LRG5 U3 W3 BPDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:40001_009_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 2001_009_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 21/03/12 11:04 AM1/03/12 11:04 AMPowerful hurricanes occur annually in certain tropical and subtropical parts of the world.However,some weather is just weirdit doesnt follow the normal rules.For example,katabatic winds are weird because although they are regular and predictable,they work in an unusual way.The weather pattern called El Nio(el-NEE-nyo)is also weird.It doesnt follow a regular pattern.There is still a lot we have to learn before we will be able to predict an El Nio event.3Program:CR 14Component:LRG5 U3 W3 BPDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:40Stocktrek Images/Getty Images001_009_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 3001_009_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 31/03/12 11:04 AM1/03/12 11:04 AMsun s raysthe tropicsNorth PoleSouth PoleequatorWeather is driven by the distribution of the suns heat in our atmosphere.Some places are hotter,and some places are colder.When air heats up,it gets less dense,so it expands and rises.The hot air moves to where the cold air is.The cold air drops down to make room for the hot.This movement of hot and cold air is what creates wind.The suns rays are more direct and hotter at the equator.They get weaker,or colder,toward the North and South poles because the suns rays hit Earth in a much less direct way.Land masses also create areas of warmer air.This is because land masses absorb the suns heat.They then release it into the atmosphere much faster than water masses.The wind that comes from hot and cold air moving around occurs in regular patterns that meteorologists can predict.Chapter 1Chapter 1The tropics are hot because theyre closer to the equator,and the equator gets more direct sunlight.Hot air moves away from the tropics,and this makes wind.Intense Tropical Heat Intense Tropical Heat 4Program:CR 14Component:LRG5 U3 W3 BPDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:40Illustration:Gerad Taylor001_009_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 4001_009_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 41/03/12 11:04 AM1/03/12 11:04 AMWater condenses to form clouds.Water evaporates.Water precipitates.Water returns to oceans underground and via rivers.The Water Cycle The Water Cycle Another way the suns heat moves around is through a process called the water cycle.This happens through evaporation and condensation.When the sun heats water,some of it evaporates and becomes water vapor.This vapor is not usually visible,but its there.The water vapor rises and cools down in the atmosphere.As it cools,the water vapor condenses.This is how clouds are formed.Eventually some of this moisture falls as precipitation,such as rain,and the cycle begins again.The repetition of this pattern redistributes a lot of the suns heat.The water cycle also produces regular local weather patterns.For example,cloud formation is typical over mountains.Most of the moisture in our atmosphere comes from the ocean,although some also evaporates from rivers and lakes.A small amount of moisture comes from plants.5Program:CR 14Component:LRG5 U3 W3 BPDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:40Illustration:Gerad Taylor001_009_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 5001_009_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 51/03/12 11:04 AM1/03/12 11:04 AMEquator westerliesPolar zoneKEYTemperate zoneThe tropicsPrevailing windPrevailing WindPrevailing WindWherever you live in the world,there is a prevailing wind.The prevailing wind is the regular wind in your area.Much of the weather in the United States comes from the west because of a prevailing westerly wind.You might not appreciate this wind if you have to ride your bike into it!When warm air spreads north and south away from the tropics,Earths rotation makes the wind curve:This is known as the Coriolis effect.This effect forces the winds to shift either to the east or to the west.As a result of the Coriolis effect,the temperate zones in both hemispheres have prevailing westerlies,or wind that comes from the west.The tropics have prevailing easterlies.Wind Patterns Wind Patterns 6Program:CR 14Component:LRG5 U3 W3 BPDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:40Illustration:Gerad Taylor001_009_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 6001_009_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 61/03/12 11:04 AM1/03/12 11:04 AMSea breezes often begin to blow in the afternoon.Land breezes are caused when the land cools off faster than the water.These usually begin at night.Prevailing winds can also come from local conditions.Sea breezes,for example,are a regular weather pattern.They occur on hot,sunny days when the land heats up much faster than the water.This causes the air above the land to get warm,rise,and spread offshore over the ocean.Cooler air over the ocean moves in to replace the warm air,blowing over the land as a cooling sea breeze.In Fremantle,Australia,summer temperatures can reach as high as 100 degrees Fahrenheit.Locals call the summer sea breeze,which starts around midday,the Fremantle Doctor because the cool air is such a relief!Due to the Coriolis effect,the prevailing winds near the equator come from the east.Sailors in the past would choose which latitude to sail at,depending on which direction they wanted to go.If they wanted to travel to the east,they would sail in the tropics.If they wanted to travel west,they would sail in the temperate zones.T rade WindsT rade WindsProgram:CR 14Component:LRG5 U3 W3 BPDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:407Charles Smth/CORBISk001_009_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 7001_009_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 71/03/12 11:04 AM1/03/12 11:04 AMChapter 2Chapter 2The monsoon season usually happens between June and September every year.For many places,these are the only significant rains all year,so they are critical to agriculture and the economy.For example,a great deal of the electricity generated in India and the Southeast Asian region comes from hydroelectric power plants.Torrential rains and flooding are common during the monsoon season.On July 26,2005,the city of Mumbai,India,received 39.1 inches of rain in one day!The Southeast Asian MonsoonThe Southeast Asian MonsoonMany weather events happen at the same time each year because they are seasonal and follow a predictable pattern.If you live in a temperate zone,you have four seasons:spring,summer,fall,and winter.If you live in the tropics,there are only two seasons:wet and dry.Monsoon and hurricane seasons occur when seasonal temperatures,combined with other circumstances,create the right conditions for them to happen.MonsoonsMonsoonsThese intense seasonal rains happen when the prevailing wind reverses,or changes direction.In India and Southeast Asia,super-heated air over the land rises,pulling in wet air from the southwest Indian Ocean.This brings rain to countries such as India,Sri Lanka,Bangladesh,and Myanmar.Lots of rain!8Program:CR 14Component:LRG5 U3 W3 BPDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:40The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc./Barry Barker,photographer001_009_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 8001_009_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 81/03/12 11:04 AM1/03/12 11:04 AM hot airhot airhot airmoist air moist air Just like the Southeast Asian monsoon,rising hot air draws in cooler,moister ocean air to cause the North American monsoon.The North American MonsoonThe North American MonsoonThe North American monsoon season usually begins in the middle of summer.Moist,warm air begins to move inland over central Mexico from the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf of California.Heavy rain falls in the mountains of central Mexico.The monsoon then moves north,bringing intense thunderstorms,rain,flooding,and high winds to Arizona,New Mexico,and Texas in the United States.This rain is the main source of water for the desert in this area.The water from the monsoon is very important to the desert ecosystem.Temperatures in the Southwest can reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the summertime.The area becomes so dry that wildfires are very common and can spread quickly.Firefighters appreciate the help of the monsoon rains.How the North American Monsoon WorksHow the North American Monsoon WorksProgram:CR 14Component:LRG5 U3 W3 BPDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:409Illustration:Gerad Taylor001_009_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 9001_009_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 91/03/12 11:05 AM1/03/12 11:05 AMHurricanes and T ornadoes Hurricanes and T ornadoes There are other types of regular weather patterns that arent as helpful as monsoons.Hurricanes and tornadoes are intense storms that can cause huge damage to man-made structures and even loss of life.Luckily,both hurricanes and tornadoes can be predicted to some degree because they have regular seasons and typical locations.The Atlantic hurricane season begins in June and lasts through to the end of November.During this time,hot rising air and warm ocean water combine to make hurricane conditions.The most dangerous hurricanes are referred to as Category 5 hurricanes.Hurricanes,typhoons,and tropical cyclones are just different names for the same thing.In the western North Pacific,around the Philippines and China,hurricanes are called typhoons.In the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean,theyre called tropical cyclones.In 1970,the Bhola tropical cyclone struck what is now Bangladesh.There was a huge storm surge and extensive flooding.As many as half a million people died,mainly from drowning.Tornadoes occur over land instead of over water,but like hurricanes,they form in warm,wet air.Some states experience many more tornadoes than others.They occur mostly in an area known as Tornado Alley.Tornadoes hit Tornado Alley from late spring through early summer.Tornadoes are formed when dry air from Canada and the Rocky Mountains meets warm,moist air from the Gulf of Mexico and hot,dry air from the Sonoran Desert.These three wind patterns combine to form an unstable atmosphere,which can result in thunderstorms and tornadoes.10Program:CR 14Component:LRG5 U3 W3 BPDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:40010_018_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 10010_018_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 101/03/12 11:01 AM1/03/12 11:01 AMNMap KeyMap Key State borders Tornado AlleyU.S.Map Showing T ornado Alley U.S.Map Showing T ornado Alley HurricanesHurricanesHurricanes are severe tropical storms that form over warm water.Hurricane winds can exceed 150 miles per hour.They blow counterclockwise in a large spiral around a mostly calm center known as the“eye.”The size of the storm can range from 25 to 600 miles(40 to 965 kilometers)in diameter.Hurricanes can last from several days to more than two weeks.TornadoesTornadoesA tornado is a violent windstorm characterized by a twisting,funnel-shaped cloud.It usually grows out of a thunderstorm.Winds in a tornado can blow as fast as 320 miles per hour.In the middle of the funnel is an eye of air that spins downward.The eye is surrounded by a strong upward current,or pull.Tornadoes are much smaller than hurricanes,but they are still powerful enough to lift houses into the air and rip trees out of the ground.They usually last less than ten minutes,but some have been known to last more than three hours.Tornadoes Versus HurricanesTornadoes Versus Hurricanes11Program:CR 14Component:LRG5 U3 W3 BPDFVendor:Learning MediaLevel:40Mountain High Maps/Digital Wisdom010_018_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 11010_018_CR14_LR_G5_U3W3L60_B_119068.indd 111/03/12 11:01 AM1/03/12 11:01 AM Katabatic winds are unusual and only occur in a few places on Earth.Chapter 3Chapter 3Some types of weather can be called weird because they dont follow the usual rules or patterns.Katabatic WindsKatabatic WindsKatabatic winds are regular and predictable in certain areas.What makes them weird is that they dont happen because of the movement of hot and cold air,which is the cause of most winds.Instead,katabatic winds are caused by gravity.They happen when cold air“falls”down a slope.(The word katabatic comes from the Greek word katabaino,mean

