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英语 参考答案
大连市第二十四中学2022-2023学年度高考适应性测试(一) 英语参考答案 1.A 【原文】M: Welcome to Harvard, my friend. W: Thank you! By the way, I’m majoring in physics. What about you? M: Me? I’m studying French. 2.C 【原文】M: Hello, is Olivia in? W: Sorry, I’m afraid she is not in. She’s gone to Kate’s birthday party. M: Oh, no. Well, I’ll call someone else about the math homework. 3.B 【原文】W: Jack was quite confident after the test. But he just got a C. M: No wonder he wears a long face. W: I hope he can be pleased as soon as possible. 4.A 【原文】M: I failed the test again. I’ve changed my study methods. It simply didn’t work. W: Well, you are pushing yourself too hard. You should relax for a while. 5.C 【原文】W: Hi, Steven! What do you like to do during the weekend? M: I love swimming, walking and cycling. On Saturday morning, I usually ride my bike around the country road for almost two hours. 6.B    7.A 【原文】M: What’s the matter, Alice? W: Sorry, Mr. Harrison. I missed my train. M: Why did you miss your train? W: Because I left home a little late. M: Did you get up late or something? W: No. My aunt called me at the last minute. M: Tell her not to call you in the morning. W: I will. Mr. Harrison. I’m really sorry for being late. M: If you are late again, I can’t let you pass for this class. 8.B    9.A    10.C 【原文】M: Hey, Susan. Surprised to meet you here in the poem club. I remember you dislike poems. W: Yeah, they still make me sleepy. M: So what are you doing here? W: I’m coming here for the theater group I belong to. We’re looking for more students to join us, especially boys. And I thought you might be interested. The play we are making is really inspiring. M: Oh, you know how much I love acting, but I’m taking some really hard courses this term. So I’m afraid I won’t have much time for practice. W: Well, actually we only practice once a week, Tuesday from to ten. M: Only once a week. Can you give me more time to think it over? W: No problem. Why not come and watch us practice this Tuesday evening? I’m sure you’ll like the way we work. M: Great, I’ll come if I have time. 11.A    12.C    13.B 【原文】M: Hi, Daisy! W: Hi, Simon. Nice to meet you again. M: I hope you are settling in at school! W: I am! I’ve made lots of friends and I really enjoy my courses. M: Good! Me too! By the way, you didn’t tell me what you are studying here. W: Didn’t I? I’m doing business studies. M: Really? That’s great. Do you hope to join a company here after graduating? W: Maybe. My parents moved to Canada the year I was born. I suppose I might get a job in Toronto when I graduate. But I like living in China, so it’s too soon to say that. M: What about your friend Lily? W: She’s from Australia. Her father runs a hotel business there and she is doing a degree in math. M: Math? Really? She must be very good at figures. W: I guess so. What about you, Simon? M: I’m studying law. W: Great! 14.C    15.B    16.C 【原文】M: Linda, I should go to the airport now. It’s already 3:25 p.m. W: Are you serious? Your flight won’t take off until 6:55 p.m. And it takes you only about one hour to get to the airport. M: Well, I don’t want to travel in the rush hour. W: I bet you’ll have to wait for more than two hours there. How will you kill time? M: Don’t worry. I’ll take a book with me. W: But it’s a bit noisy to read a book there, I think. If I were you, I would rather wander around the shops. M: You know, I’ve never shown interest in shopping. What’s more, you have bought all the presents for the families in our homeland — China. I believe they’ll be happy with the gifts. W: I miss them so much. How I wish I could go back with you! But our son Jack has classes. Wish you a happy Chinese New Year! M: Don’t be sad, dear. When spring break comes, all of us can go back. 17.B    18.C    19.A    20.A 【原文】W: We’re developing a new technology that can detect forest fires as soon as they start. M: That sounds amazing. Given how many fires there have been recently, it’s something the world extremely needs. W: Indeed. In 2020 alone, California had over 8, 600 fires, losing roughly 4% of the state’s trees. M: That is truly surprising. W: Yes. The other place where it will be useful is Australia. At the start of the year, there were 50 separate forest fires burning across the country. M: So how will your new detection system work? W: We’re going to use a new range of satellites which have heat cameras. M: Don’t other satellites have those? W: Yes, but none is so advanced. They can detect a fire the size of a football field. The new one can sense a fire the size of a car. M: And will that be enough of a difference to stop the fire from spreading? W: We believe so. Hopefully it will give firefighters enough time to stop it before it gets too big. If they get the plane up in time, they could stop it dead. M: If it works, I really hope you get recognition for it. W: I just want to try and stop trees from burning, and more importantly, protect the poor animals that live in them. M: I know, we often only consider the human cost, never the animal one. 21.B    22.A    23.B 【导语】本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了西南博物馆的展品,项目以及会员福利。 21.细节理解题。根据第一段中“The collections of the Southwest Museum represent Native American cultures from Alaska to South America.(西南博物馆的藏品代表了从阿拉斯加到南美洲的美洲土著文化)”以及第二段中“In its permanent exhibitions, the Southwest Museum presents the remarkable cultural diversity of America’s earliest residents.(在其常设展览中,西南博物馆展示了美国最早居民的显著文化多样性)”可知,西南博物馆的藏品集中在美洲的本土文化。故选B项。全科试题免费下载公众号《高中僧课堂》 22.细节理解题。根据小标题PROGRAMS下的段落中“Throughout the year the museum offers a wide range of programs including: performances, classes, lectures, festivals, films and demonstrations by noted artists and other educational programs for members and the general public.(博物馆全年提供各种各样的节目,包括:著名艺术家的表演、课堂、讲座、节日、电影和演示,以及面向会员和公众的其他教育节目)”可知,游客在西南博物馆可以采访著名艺术家。故选A项。 23.细节理解题。根据小标题MUSEUM STORE下的段落中“The museum store offers beautifully made Southwest silver jewelry, Pueblo earthenware, and kachina dolls.  It also offers folk art from Mexico and Peru.  The store carries a large selection of publications on Native American history, and on several famous Native American and Western artists.  Museum members receive a 10% discount on all in-store purchases and a 20% discount on all museum publications.(博物馆商店提供精美的西南银饰,普韦布洛陶器,和克奇纳娃娃。它还提供来自墨西哥和秘鲁的民间艺术。这家商店有大量关于美国原住民历史的出版物,以及一些著名的美国原住民和西部艺术家的出版物。博物馆会员在店内购物可享受9折优惠,购买所有博物馆出版物可享受8折优惠)”可知,博物馆会员可享受卡奇纳娃娃打九折的福利。故选B项。 24.B    25.A    26.B    27.D 【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了96岁老人默里依旧精力充沛的秘诀,那就是要带有目的的活着。有目标地生活,找到生活的意义可以提高生活质量。 24.细节理解题。根据文章第三段““They were poor beyond anything I had ever experienced.” she recalled in a self-published memoir years later.(“他们比我经历过的一切都要更穷,”多年后,她在自己出版的回忆录中回忆道。)及“Yet they were the most joyful little kids anywhere on earth.(但他们是世界上最快乐的孩子。)”可知,穆拉在59岁旅行尼泊尔时看到,那里的孩子很穷但是很快乐。故选B项。 25.细节理解题。根据文章第四段“Returning to Nepal the next year, she met Allan Aistrope, then a volunteer English teacher at the country’s only orphanage. The two combined forces, beginning with organizing college scholarships for four of the orphans.”(第二年回到尼泊尔,她遇到了艾伦•埃斯特罗普,当时他是该国唯一一家孤儿院的志愿英语教师。这两种力量结合在一起,首先为四名孤儿组织了大学奖学金。)可知,当第二次去尼泊尔时,穆拉帮助了四个孤儿上了大学。故选A项。 26.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Approaching 96, at an age when most are lonely and in poor health, Olga Murray, full of energy, has been eagerly planning a trip to Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, while keeping in contact with hundreds of friends around the world.(年近96岁的奥尔加·默里(Olga Murray),在大多数人都感到孤独和健康状况不佳的年纪,精力充沛的她一直在热切地计划去尼泊尔首都加德满都旅行,同时与世界各地的数百位朋友保持联系。)”可知,默里即使年岁近百依旧精力充沛,文中full of energy和B项中“energetic”为同义互换;根据文章最后一段“The two combined forces, beginning with organizing college scholarships for four of the orphans. After another five years, they had launched the Nepal Youth Foundation (NYF), which by then was supporting several hundred scholarship students and raising 60 homeless children. In 1994, the two hired Som Paneru, a former scholarship student, as executive director. Murray has taken several steps to make sure the NYF will survive after the unavoidable loss of her presence. She handed over the presidency to Paneru in 2012. Now, she is busy as usual, leading lots of fundraising campaigns.( 两家公司联合起来,首先为四名孤儿组织大学奖学金。又过了五年,他们成立了尼泊尔青年基金会,当时该基金会资助了数百名奖学金学生,并抚养了60名无家可归的儿童。1994年,两人聘请曾获得奖学金的索姆·帕内鲁(担任执行董事。默里已经采取了几项措施,以确保纽约电影节在她不可避免地失去存在之后能够生存下去。2012年,她将总统职位移交给了帕内鲁。现在,她像往常一样忙碌,领导了许多筹款活动。)”可知,默里真正做到了把自己的后半生交给了慈善事业,由此可以推测出她无私奉献的精神。故B项“精力充沛、无私”符合文意。故选B项。 27.主旨大意题。根据文章第二段“Living with a sense of purpose can improve the quality of those final years. Murray offers a vivid example of how to create a sense of meaning.(有目标的生活可以提高最后几年的生活质量。默里提供了一个如何创造意义感的生动例子。)”可知,本文主要以默里为例,说明了有目的地生活的重要性。故文章最佳标题应是D项“过有目的的生活”。故选D项。 28.A    29.C    30.C    31.D 【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了美国宇航局将让一艘航天器撞击一颗小行星,试图改变它的轨道,阻止人类毁灭。 28.推理判断题。由第二段“Earth is constantly being disturbed by small pieces of debris (碎片), but they usually burn up or break up long before they hit the ground. Once in a while, however, something large enough to do significant damage makes impact. About 66 million years ago, one such crash is thought to have wiped out the dinosaurs. Someday, something similar could end human beings—unless we can find a way to tackle it. (地球经常被小碎片所扰动,但它们通常在落地前很久就烧毁或碎裂了。然而,有时候,大到足以造成重大损害的东西会造成撞击。大约6600万年前,一次这样的撞击被认为消灭了恐龙。总有一天,类似的东西会毁灭人类,除非我们能找到解决的办法)”可知第二段主要介绍了地球可能会被太空其它物体(如小行星)撞击而导致人类毁灭的后果,结合第一段“NASA will crash a spacecraft into an asteroid (小行星) to try to change its orbit, attempting to prevent humans going the same way as the dinosaurs. (美国宇航局将让一艘航天器撞击一颗小行星,试图改变它的轨道,阻止人类毁灭)”可知,地球可能会被太空其它物体(如小行星)撞击而导致人类毁灭的后果,所以美国宇航局试图改变它的轨道,试图阻止人类重蹈恐龙的覆辙。由此可推知,第二段的目的是解释美国宇航局Dart任务的必要性。故选A项。 29.细节理解题。由第四段“The 610kg Dart spacecraft is scheduled to be launched at the target—the Didymos system—a harmless pair of asteroids consisting of a 163-metre “moonlet” asteroid called Dimorphos that orbits a larger 780-metre asteroid called Didymos (Greek for “twin”). The plan is to crash the spacecraft into Dimorphos when the asteroid system is at its closest to Earth—about 6.8 million miles away. (重达610千克的Dart航天器计划发射到目标Didymos小行星,这是一对无害的小行星,被称作Dimorphos的163米直径的小行星,围绕一个直径更大、被称为 Didymos(希腊语“双胞胎”)的780米小行星运转。计划是在小行星系统离地球最近的地方——大约680万英里外——让航天器撞上Dimorphos)”可知,小行星Dimorphos绕着小行星Didymos运转,此original orbit (原始轨道)更大;让Dart航天器在小行星系统离地球最近的地方撞上Dimorphos,会产生new orbit(新的轨道);结合图形,C项图形表明中间为小行星Didymos,较小的是小行星Dimorphos,二者有original orbit (原始轨道),航天器在小行星系统离地球最近的地方撞上小行星Dimorphos,产生new orbit(新的轨道)。故选C项。 30.细节理解题。根据倒数第四段中的“About 10 days before impact, a miniaturized satellite called LiciaCube will separate from the main spacecraft, enabling images of the impact to be relayed back to Earth. (在撞击前大约10天,一颗名为LiciaCube 的小型卫星将与主航天器分离,使撞击图像能够传回地球)”可知,LiciaCube的功能是将撞击数据发送回地球。故选C项。 31.词句猜测题。根据倒数第二段划线句前后“The problem is that no two asteroids or comets are alike, and how you redirect one depends on a huge number of variables. (问题是,没有两颗小行星或彗星是一样的,你如何重新定向一颗小行星或彗星取决于很多变量)”和“What you need is a whole folder of different redirection methods for different types of targets (你需要的是一整套不同类型目标的重新定向方法)”可知,重新定向一颗小行星或彗星取决于很多变量,需要一整套不同类型目标的重新定向方法,所以解决方案并不是单一的,由此可知划线句意为“这个复杂的问题没有单一的解决方案”。故选D项。 32.A    33.C    34.D    35.C 【导语】本文是议论文。文章通过两条新闻的对比,引起人们对社会财富分配不公的关注。作者认为 解决世界上的暴力、贫穷和疾病等问题是我们要首先考虑的事情。 32.推理判断题。根据第一段“On Wednesday, two things happened. In Syria, 80 people were killed by government airstrikes. Meanwhile, in Florida, Elon Musk’s SpaceX successfully launched and fired a sports car into space. Guess which story has dominated mainstream news sites? (周三,发生了两件事。在叙利亚,政府的空袭造成80人死亡。与此同时,在佛罗里达州,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的SpaceX成功地将一辆跑车发射到太空。猜猜哪个故事占据了主流新闻网站?)”和第二段“The launch of Musk’s Falcon Heavy rocket, the most powerful ever launched by a private company, went off successfully. Musk sent his cherry-red Tesla roadster running toward Mars, launching “a new space age”. The event attracted phenomenal publicity and made the rocket launch a masterstroke of advertising for Tesla.( 马斯克的猎鹰重型火箭(Falcon Heavy)发射成功,这是私人公司发射的最强大的火箭。马斯克向火星发送了他的樱桃红色特斯拉跑车,开启了“新的太空时代”。该活动吸引了大量的宣传,并使火箭发射成为特斯拉广告的一大亮点。)”以及第三段的“ a UN human rights coordinator for Syria said despondently(沮丧地) that he was no longer sure why he bothers to videotape the effects of bombing, since nobody ever pays attention. (联合国叙利亚人权协调员沮丧地说,他不确定为什么要费心拍摄轰炸的影响,因为从来没有人关注。)”可知,第二条新闻吸引了惊人的注意力,第一条新闻却几乎无人关注。因此可以推断,作者提到这两条新闻是为了说明说明财富分配的不平等以及由此引起的注意力分配的不平等。故选A。 33.细节理解题。根据第三段“a UN human rights coordinator for Syria said despondently(沮丧地) that he was no longer sure why he bothers to videotape the effects of bombing, since nobody ever pays attention. (联合国叙利亚人权协调员沮丧地说,他不确定为什么要费心拍摄轰炸的影响,因为从来没有人关注。)”可知,叙利亚的联合国人权协调员感到很沮丧,是因为他觉得不管他怎么努力,似乎没有人关心叙利亚的局势。故选C。 34.推理判断题。根据第六段“If we examine the situation honestly, it becomes hard to defend a project like this.(如果我们诚实地审视形势,就很难为这样的项目辩护。)”和第七段“A mission to Mars does indeed sound exciting, but it’s important to have our priorities straight. First, perhaps we could make it so that a child no longer dies of malaria every two minutes. Or we could try to address the level of poverty in Alabama which has become so extreme that the UN investigator did not believe it could occur in a first-world country. Perhaps when violence, poverty and disease are solved, then we can head for the stars. (前往火星的任务听起来确实令人兴奋,但明确我们的优先事项很重要。首先,也许我们可以做到每两分钟一个孩子不再死于疟疾。或者,我们可以尝试解决阿拉巴马州的贫困水平,该州的贫困程度已变得如此极端,以至于联合国调查人员不相信这可能发生在第一世界国家。也许当暴力、贫困和疾病得到解决时,我们就能走向星空。)”可知,在第六段和第七段,作者认为解决暴力、贫穷和疾病问题应是我们优先考虑的事情。故选D。 35.推理判断题。根据文章第七段“First, perhaps we could make it so that a child no longer dies of malaria every two minutes. Or we could try to address the level of poverty in Alabama which has become so extreme that the UN investigator did not believe it could occur in a first-world country. Perhaps when violence, poverty and disease are solved, then we can head for the stars. (首先,也许我们可以做到每两分钟一个孩子不再死于疟疾。或者,我们可以尝试解决阿拉巴马州的贫困水平,该州的贫困程度已变得如此极端,以至于联合国调查人员不相信这可能发生在第一世界国家。也许当暴力、贫困和疾病得到解决时,我们就能走向星空。)”,第九段“If wealth were actually distributed fairly in this country, nobody would be in a position to fund his own private space program. (如果财富在这个国家得到公平分配,就没有人有资格为自己的私人太空计划提供资金了。)”和最后一段“But some of them are an indefensible waste of resources. (但是其中一些是毫无道理的资源浪费。)”可知,作者认为社会上财富分配不公,一方面资源和财富被浪费,另一方面还存在贫困、疾病、暴力等社会问题。因此推断作者想要告诉我们的是:用于太空项目的资金和资源是浪费,这些资源本可以首先用来解决社会上的贫困、疾病、暴力等社会问题。故选C。 36.C    37.E    38.G    39.A    40.B 【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章谈论了娱乐恐惧的科学。 36.根据上文“research shows that recreational fear can teach us to face scary situations. The “paradox of horror” is that being scared, under the right circumstances, can be fun. ”(研究表明娱乐恐惧可以教会我们面对可怕的情况。“恐怖悖论”是,在适当的情况下,害怕可能是件有趣的事)提出“恐怖悖论”在适当的情况下,害怕可能是件有趣的事。因而空处应承接前文,讲述娱乐恐惧也是有好处的。选项C. “And recreational fear, as it is rightly named, could benefit us, too”(而娱乐性的恐惧,正如它的名字一样,也可以使我们受益)切题。故选C。 37.根据上文“And in one survey of more than 1,000 Americans, conducted by Clasen, 55% described themselves as horror fans. ”(在克拉森对1000多名美国人进行的一项调查中,55% 的人称自己是恐怖片迷。)讲述了克拉森的一项调查的结果,下文“Many people who would not consider themselves fans of fear enjoy true-crime pod

