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1_1. 讲解部分PPT _1 讲解 部分 PPT
高考英语,新高考专用,第一部分词类专题三代词,知识清单代词专讲考点一人称代词人称代词可以指人和事物,有人称、数和格的变化。,一、人称代词的句法功能人称代词不同的格在句中有不同的句法功能:作主语时用主格(无谓语用宾格);作宾语时用宾格;作表语时一般用宾格。例句He would drown his sorrows in coffee.他会借咖啡来消愁。(主格He作主语)If you make a promise,you should keep it.如果你许下一个诺言,你就应该遵守它。(动词后宾格it作宾语)I dont want to go with them.我不想跟他们一起走。(介词后宾格them作宾语),温馨提示1.在电话中交谈时常用主格形式代替宾格形式。Is that Mr.Li?是李先生吗?Yes,this is he.是的,我就是。2.在非正式英语,尤其是口语中,人称代词作be的表语时,通常用其宾格形式。3.在It is/was.that/who.强调句型中,若被强调部分作主语,虽然跟在is/was后,也用主格形式。It was I who did it.这件事是我做的。,4.人称代词单独使用时,一般用宾格。Jim,can you work this Sunday?吉姆,本周日你能上班吗?Why me?Ive been working for two weeks on end.为什么是我呢?我已经连续工作两个星期了。,二、人称代词的用法1.he和she的特殊用法he可指代雄性动物或庞大而又威猛之物,也可指性别不明者;she可指代雌性动物或柔弱、优美之物。常用she/her指代船舶、汽车、飞机、国家、城市等无生命的东西,以表达对其喜爱之情。例句Every child needs to know that he is loved.每个孩子都需要知道自己是有人爱的。The moon loses her brilliance when the sun makes his appearance.太阳出现时,月亮就失去了光辉。Nice car.How much did she cost?好车。买它花了多少钱?,2.人称代词的排序1)单数的场合:you+he/she+IYou,he and I are of the same age.你、他和我是同龄人。2)复数的场合:we+you+theyWe,you and they are all Chinese.我们、你们和他们都是中国人。3)男女两性并列的场合:he+sheHe and she dont agree with me.他和她都不同意我的看法。4)表示承担责任时:把I/me或we/us放在第一位I and he are to blame for the accident.我和他应为这起事故承担责任。,考点二物主代词物主代词是表示所有关系的代词,是人称代词的属格形式。,一、形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词置于名词之前,作定语。其人称、数和性取决于所指代的名词。例句In the winter of 1891,a certain college had some trouble with its boy stu-dents.在1891年冬季,某所大学的男学生遇到了一些麻烦。This is 18-year-old Musas story about how first aid saved his life.这是关于急救如何挽救了18岁的Musa的生命的故事。,二、名词性物主代词名词性物主代词不能用于名词之前,其形式取决于所指代的名词。它相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”,在句中作主语、表语和宾语。1.作主语This is not my dictionary.Mine is lent to Lucy.这不是我的词典。我的借给露西了。2.作表语This camera is mine and that is yours.这部照相机是我的,那部是你的。,3.作宾语Well have to separate ours from theirs.我们得把我们的和他们的分开。温馨提示“of+名词性物主代词”可用作定语,常用于“a/an/this/that/these/those/some/any/several/no/each/every/such/another+名词+of+名词性物主代词”结构。I am an admirer of yours.我是你的崇拜者。This baby of hers is so lovely!她的这个宝宝很可爱!,考点三反身代词反身代词用于指代主语,使动作的发出者把动作在形式上反射到动作的发出者本人,表示“我(们)自己”“你(们)自己”“他/她/它(们)自己”,用以加强名词或代词的语气,强调“亲自,本人”。,反身代词与它所指代的名词或代词形成互指关系,在人称、性、数上保持一致。反身代词在句中可作宾语、表语、同位语,一般不能作主语。1.作宾语The little boy can dress himself now.这个小男孩现在能自己穿衣服了。2.作表语The poor girl in the picture is myself.图片中这个可怜的姑娘就是我。,3.作同位语Mary herself worked out the problem.玛丽自己解决了这个问题。You have to ask the headmaster himself about it.关于此事,你必须问校长本人。温馨提示反身代词作同位语时,可以放在与之同位的名词或代词之后,亦可放在句末。Jack believes that he knows his wifes business better than she knows it her-self.杰克认为他对他妻子的业务比他妻子本人还要了解。,考点四指示代词用来指示或标记人或事物的代词,表示“这个/些”“那个/些”。常用的指示代词有this,that,these,those。this,that是单数;these,those是复数。一、指示代词的句法功能1.作主语The real problem was the pronunciation.That was too hard for me.真正的问题就是发音。那对于我来说太难。2.作定语These books are intended for Senior Three.这些书是供高三用的。,3.作表语The winning numbers are those.获奖号码是那些。4.作宾语I have no doubt about that.我对那件事没有怀疑。,二、指示代词的用法1.this,these往往指在时间或空间上较近的人或物;that,those可指在时间或空间上较远的人或物。例句This picture was painted by Robert and that one by Bruce.这幅画是罗伯特画的,那幅是布鲁斯画的。I love these books but I dont like those(ones).我喜欢这些书,但不喜欢那些。,2.that与those常用来代替上文已提到的名词,以避免重复。例句The climate of China is quite similar to that of the USA.中国的气候和美国的气候很相似。The days in summer are longer than those in winter.夏天的白天比冬天的白天长。3.打电话时,this指自己,that指别人。例句Hello!This is Alan.Who is that speaking?喂!我是艾伦。您是哪位?,4.将要发生或将要提到的事情用this;刚提到过的或已经完成的事情用that。例句This is going to surprise you.这件事会让你吃惊的。Little George broke the vase,but he didnt admit.That was very annoying.小乔治打碎了花瓶,但他不承认。那太令人生气了。5.this和that还可以用作副词,表示程度,相当于so。例句The weather isnt that hot.天气没有那么热。,6.these days可以表示“如今”;those days可以表示“那个时代”。例句These days,universities turn out more and more graduates,so its getting much harder to find jobs.如今,大学培养出越来越多的毕业生,因此找工作变得难多了。In those days,country music was not so popular in China.在那个时代,乡村音乐在中国还没有这么流行。,考点五不定代词不明确指代某个人、某个事物、某些人、某些事物的代词叫不定代词。不定代词可以代替名词或形容词,表示不同的数量概念。不定代词在句中可作主语、宾语、表语、定语。,一、one/ones,the one/the ones作替代词时的用法1.one:替代“a/an+单数可数名词”Mr.Rod prefers a restaurant in a small town to one in so large a city as Bei-jing.与像北京这样大的城市里的饭店相比,Rod先生更喜欢小镇上的饭店。2.ones:替代“零冠词+复数名词”Mr.Zhang gave me many valuable presents,ones that I had never seen.张先生给了我很多珍贵的礼物,都是我从没见过的。,3.the one:替代“the+单数可数名词”The book on the desk is better than the one/that under the desk.书桌上的那本书比书桌下的那本好。4.the ones:替代“the+复数名词”The books on the desk are better than the ones/those under the desk.书桌上的那些书比书桌下的那些好。,二、none,nobody/no one,nothing的用法1.none,nobody/no one,nothing的用法及区别,例句No one expects you to be perfect,but we do expect you to do your best.没人要求你完美无缺,但我们确实希望你能尽力而为。,2.none常与前面的“some/any/every+名词”连用;nothing常与前面的something/anything/everything连用;nobody/no one常与前面的someone/somebody/everyone/everybody/anyone/anybody连用。例句If I had some money,I would lend it to him,but unfortunately,I have none.如果我有一些钱的话,我会借给他,但遗憾的是,我没钱。I expected somebody to come to see me,but nobody came.我盼着有人来看我,但没有人来。3.none后面可跟of短语,而nothing和no one/nobody不能。,三、all和both的用法,例句All the stories are instructive in this book.这本书中所有的故事都有教育意义。None of the stories is/are instructive in this book.这本书中没有一个故事有教育意义。Both(of)the stories are instructive in this book.这本书中的两个故事都有教育意义。All birds cannot fly.=Not all birds can fly.不是所有的鸟都会飞。,四、each和every的用法,例句Each of us hopes to have free weekends.(作主语)我们每一个人都希望有自由的周末。Each child was given a nice gift.(作定语)每个孩子都得到了一件精美的礼物。对比:Every child was given a nice gift.(作定语)所有的孩子都得到了一件精美的礼物。We each know what we should do next.(作主语的同位语)我们每个人都知道下一步该做什么。,五、another,other,others,the other和the others的用法1.another:“另一”,表示泛指(没有整体范围的“另一”)。其用法如下:1)单独使用时指三个或三个以上中的“另一个,再一个”;2)another+单数可数名词;3)another+of+复数名词;4)another+two/three/.+复数名词=two/three/.more+复数名词“又/再两个/三个/”。例句If you dont like this one,let me show you another.如果你不喜欢这一个,我给你看另一个。,I have been here for two weeks and I will stay here for another three weeks(=three more weeks).我在这里已经待了两周,我还要在这里待三周。2.other:“另外的,其他的”,表示泛指,不单独使用,其后常跟复数名词。例句No matter what other people may say,Ill stick to my plan.不管别人可能会说什么,我都会坚持我的计划。,3.others:相当于“other+可数名词复数”,表示泛指。例句In some countries,people eat with chopsticks,while in others,knives and forks.在一些国家,人们用筷子吃饭,而在另外一些国家,人们用刀叉吃饭。,4.the other:the other表示两部分或两者中的另一个,既可以单独用于指代单数可数名词,也可以和可数名词单数连用;“the other+可数名词复数”特指两部分或两者以上中剩下的全部。例句On one side of the river grow willows,and on the other side grow poplars.河的一岸长着柳树,另一岸长着杨树。,5.the others:相当于“the other+复数名词”,表示“多个中剩下的全部”,表示特指,单独使用。例句There are five foreign students in our class.Two of them are British and the others(=the other three=the other three foreign students=the rest)are Ameri-can.我们班有五个外国学生,其中两个是英国人,剩下的三个是美国人。,六、either和neither的用法,例句There are two types of qualificationseither is acceptable.有两种资格证明任何一种都可以接受。Neither of them studies Russian;both of them study German.他们俩都不学俄语,都学德语。,列表记忆英语中的“三三两两”,七、some和any的用法当不知或不能确定数量,只表示“一些,若干”时,用some或 any,两者既可用作代词,也可用作限定词。1.表示“一些”时,在肯定句中用some,在否定句、疑问句、条件状语从句中用any;some也可用于疑问句中,表示希望得到肯定回答,或表示建议、邀请。例句I would like some tea or coffee.我想喝一些茶或咖啡。If you have any stamps,please give me some.如果你有邮票,请给我一些。,Why dont you give your girlfriend some flowers?She is in a bad mood.(表建议)为什么不给你女朋友一些花呢?她情绪不好。2.表示“任何一个”时,any可以用在肯定句中。例句You can buy this book at any bookstore in our city.在我们市任何一家书店你都可以买到这本书。3.表示“某一”时,some相当于a certain,其后加单数可数名词,暗含不知道、不感兴趣、不重视等含义。例句Some person parked his car here.有人把车停在了这里。,温馨提示“some/any of+.”结构作主语时,谓语动词的单复数需要根据of后面的名词而定。Some of the food has gone bad.有些食品变质了。Some of them agree,and some of them dont.他们中有些人同意,有些人不同意。Any of your time is to be made full use of.应充分利用你的任何时间。,八、many和much的用法1.many和much是表示数量的不定代词,具有名词和限定词的性质,可作主语、宾语、定语、表语,意为“许多,大量”。many修饰或替代可数名词复数,而much修饰或替代不可数名词。例句Many have been asked,but few are able to answer.问了很多人,但很少有人能够回答。Sorry,Im afraid I cant go with you.Ive got so much work to do.对不起,我恐怕不能和你去了,我手头有很多工作要做。,2.many作主语时,谓语动词用复数;much作主语时,谓语动词用单数。在由the/my/your/our/their/these/those等修饰的名词前不能直接用many/much,而要用many of/much of。例句Much of his evidence is unbelievable.他的大部分证据使人难以相信。Many of the visitors to our city are from the Middle East.来我们城市的很多游客来自中东。,3.more是much和many的比较级,意为“较多的,更多的”;most是much和many的最高级,意为“最多的”。most作代词用时,其用法和结构与much,many的相同。例句More people agree that the water supply plant should raise the running water charge.更多的人同意供水厂应该提高自来水费。Most of the town is undamaged during the earthquake.城镇的大部分未在地震中受损。,九、little,a little,few,a few的用法1.little,a little,few,a few的区别如下表所示:,例句If you have any extra copies of this book,please send me a few.如果这本书你还有多余的,请寄给我几本。If you have any spare milk,could you give me a little?你要是有多余的牛奶,给我一些好吗?Many know him but few like to make friends with him.很多人认识他,但几乎没有人喜欢跟他交朋友。I have little interest in mathematics,while my sister has much.我对数学几乎没有兴趣,然而我的姐姐(对其)很感兴趣。,2.not a little,quite a little相当于much;not a few,quite a few,a good few相当于many。例句We neednt hurry.Theres not a little time left.我们没有必要着急,还剩下很多时间。Youve made not a few mistakes.你已经犯了很多错误。3.little的比较级和最高级分别为less,least;few的比较级和最高级分别为fewer,fewest。例句I was given less juice and fewer biscuits than she.我得到的果汁和饼干比她少。,十、复合不定代词由some、any、every、no与one、body、thing构成的代词称为复合不定代词。这些词在句中的作用相当于名词,可作主语、宾语、表语。,1.some-复合不定代词主要用于肯定句,any-复合不定代词主要用于否定句、疑问句,也可用于if或whether之后。当some-复合不定代词用于否定句、疑问句时,往往希望对方给予肯定的答复,表示肯定的意义。当any-复合不定代词用于肯定句时,表示“任何”之意。例句Somebody must have used my books.They are all in a mess on the shelf.肯定有人用了我的书。它们都被乱七八糟地放在书架上。If anybody calls,tell him Im out,but take his name and phone number.如果有人来电话,告诉他我出去了,但要留下他的姓名和电话号码。Can someone come over and do me a favor?能不能过来一个人帮我一下?,2.everybody、everyone、everything常用于肯定句,用于否定句时常表示部分否定,完全否定用nobody、no one、nothing等来表示。例句You shouldnt trust everybody.不是所有的人你都应该相信。Not everybody obeys the law.不是所有的人都遵守法律。Nothing in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to the Palace Museum.我的一生中,印象最深的就是第一次去参观故宫博物院。,3.表示人的复合不定代词后可加-s构成所有格。例句Everybodys business is nobodys/no ones business.事关大家无人管。4.somebody,someone,anybody,anyone可指重要人物;nobody指无名之辈;something else往往指出色的人或事物;nothing指无关紧要的事或无足轻重的人。例句Ive seen some fine players,but shes something else.优秀运动员我见过不少,但她出类拔萃。He is someone/somebody.他是个重要人物。,考点六it的用法it在句中可充当主语、宾语或表语。1.it指代内容丰富,其具体用法如下:1)指代上文提到的事物、想法等,以避免重复。例句Where is my dictionary?I left it right on the desk.我的词典哪里去了?我就放在桌子上了。2)代替指示代词this和that。例句Whats this?这是什么?Its a doll.是一个洋娃娃。,Whose exercise book is that?那是谁的练习本?Its hers.是她的。3)指代上文性别不明的婴儿或身份不明确的人。例句The baby cried because it was hungry.婴儿因饥饿而啼哭。Whos that at the door?门口的那个人是谁?It is the milkman.是送奶人。,4)指代双方都明白的事情。例句The Parkers bought a new house but it will need a lot of work before they can move in.帕克一家买了新的房子,但是在他们搬进去之前这将需要大量的工作。5)指代时间、天气、距离和环境。例句It is nine oclock sharp now.现在9点整。It is raining hard outside.外面雨下得正大。It is a long way to the factory.到工厂有很长一段路。,6)作形式宾语:不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或名词性从句作宾语时,如果后面带有宾语补足语,常用it作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或名词性从句放在宾语补足语的后面。例句I find it easy to get on with Jim.我觉得同吉姆相处很容易。I have made it clear that nobody is allowed to smoke here.我已经讲得很清楚,任何人不准在这儿吸烟。,7)作形式主语:it常作形式主语位于句首,而真正的主语后置,被替代的主语常为不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)、从句等。例句Its not easy to learn a foreign language.学习一门外语不容易。Its no good smoking.抽烟没好处。Its said that he will go abroad.据说他要出国了。8)it用于强调句型:“It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其他成分”。这一句型可对一个句子的主语、宾语、表语、状语进行强调。,2.有关it的句型总结1)it作形式主语的常用句式:It is no use/good doing sth.做某事没有用处/好处It is fun doing sth.做某事有趣It is a waste of time doing sth.做某事是浪费时间It takes/took sb.some time to do sth.做某事花费某人多长时间It is certain that.肯定It is likely/possible that.可能It is a pity/shame that.真遗憾/可惜It is a fact that.事实是It is a wonder that.令人惊奇的是,It occurs to/comes to/strikes/hits sb.that.某人突然想到2)“It is/has been+时间段+since.”表示“自从以来有多长时间”,since后常用一般过去时;“It was+时间段+since.”表示在过去说“自从以来有多长时间”,since后常用过去完成时。例句It is years since I enjoyed such good food.我多年没有享用这么好的食物了。It was exactly five years since her father had died.她父亲去世整五年了。3)It was/will be+时间段+before.表示“过多长时间才”;It was not/will not be+时间段+before.表示“不久于多长时间就”。,例句It was a long time before people began to use written language.过了很久人们才开始使用书面语言。It will not be three days before you regret what you are doing now.不出三天你就会为你现在的所作所为感到后悔的。We all know it will be four months before we can really have a rest.我们都知道要过4个月我们才能真正休息。4)It is time+to do sth.到(某人)做某事的时候了,例句It is time for lunch.到吃午饭的时间了。It is time(for us)to go to school.到了(我们)上学的时间了。It is(high/about)time that we went/should go home now.现在我们该回家了。5)It is/was the first/second/.time+that从句这是某人第一/二/次做例句It is the first time that I have visited it.这是我第一次参观它。,6)as.put it正如所说例句When women joined the team,it“took on a new look”,as news reports put it.女性加入以后,就如新闻报道所说,那个团队“面貌焕然一新”。,单句填空代词专练1.The Chinese Ancient Tea Museum was officially unveiled(揭幕)at the ceremony,opening(it)first exhibition:The Avenue of TruthA Special Exhibition of Puer Tea.(2022全国乙)2.Mary loved it.She was extremely pretty,and her house was a reflection of(she),everything in good taste and in perfect order.(2021浙江6月)3.As well as looking at exhibits,visitors can play with computer simulations(模拟)and imagine(they)living at a different time in history or walking through a rainforest.(2020新高考),4.Nervously facing challenges,I know I will whisper to(I)the two simple words“Be yourself”.(2019北京)5.When the gorillas and I frightened each other,I was just glad to find(they)alive.(2018全国)6.Many westerners who come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap can be to eat out.(2018浙江6月)7.However,the railway quickly proved to be a great success and within six months,more than 25,000 people were using every day.(2017全国),8.“She thought I had hurt(I),”says Pahlsson.(2017浙江6月)答案1.its2.herself3.themselves4.myself5.them6.it7.it8.myself,1.With water falling off its thick,brown hair,the bear stared back at(I).(2022广东梅州一模)2.Onboard Chinas space station core module,taikonauts Zhai Zhigang,Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu extended(they)Spring Festi-val greetings in a video on New Years Eve.(2022山西太原一模)3.By the age of 23,she has visited all the countries in an effort to challenge(she)and push the limits of what she believed was possible for a female traveler.(2022广东广州一模)4.“Emoji should cover characters representing major food allergens(过敏原),”Komatsu wrote in(he)proposal.(2022湖南长沙一中月考),5.Having failed at ever achieving his worldly ambitions,he gave up the idea of making money and devoted(he)to volunteer work.(2022浙江台州质量评估)6.If the concept is too difficult,will be difficult for children to finish that experiment.(2021河南顶尖名校联考)答案1.me2.their3.herself4.his5.himself6.it,语篇填空代词专练Passage 1(2022广东二模改编)Israeli singer-songwriter Gilad Segev has devoted 1.(him)to an ambitious project to present different views of China through music,be-cause of 2.(he)love for the country.In June 2020,he launched“Project 34”and through 3.he will release a song for each of the 34 provincial-level regions in China every month.Combin-ing Chinese music and global folk music,he has posted 17 videos so far on social media platforms,gaining millions of views.“4.(I)inspiration for the project was the great beauty I dis-covered in Chinas culture,landscapes,and more importantly,the hearts of,5.(she)people,”says Segev.He calls 6.(him)a“passer-by”a travelling artist who tells stories from his encounters with people from various cultures,through music.Over the past decade,the award-winning musician has travelled to 7.(many)of the 34 pro

