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河北省 衡水 中学 2020 届高三 下学 期一调 英语 答案
20192020 学年度下学期高三年级一调考试学年度下学期高三年级一调考试 英语答案英语答案 听力:听力:(每题(每题 1 1 分)分)ABCBC BBCCA CAABB AACBC 阅读理解:阅读理解:(每题(每题 2 2 分)分)CACC DAA CCDB CDBA 七选五七选五;(每题(每题 2 2 分)分)EFBDG 完形填空完形填空:(每题(每题 1.51.5 分)分)CBADC ABADB DACAB DCDCB 语法填空:语法填空:(每题(每题 1.51.5 分)分)1.was observed 2.As 3.officially 4.contributions 65 to celebrate 66.largest 67.falls 68.involved 69.that/which 70.the 词汇运用词汇运用:(每题(每题 1 1 分)分)71.invitations 72.chatting 73.explanation 74.discomfort 75.occupied 短文改错:短文改错:(每题(每题 1010 分)分)书面表达(满分书面表达(满分 25 分)分)一、评分原则一、评分原则 1本题时总分为 25 分,按 5 个档次给分;2评分,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分;3词数少于 80 和多于 120 的,从总分中减去 2 分;4评分时应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性及上下文的连贯性;5 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面。评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受;6如书写较差以致影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。录音文稿 听力材料听力材料:Text I M:Where did you go yesterday?w:I went to play tennis in the public park.I play tennis twice a week.(1)How about you?M:I seldom play tennis.I prefer football and basketball Text 2 M:It looks like this is the last seat in the theater.Is anyone sitting here?W:No,go ahead.M:Um,Id like to,but it looks like your popcorn got there first(2)Text 3 M:I have two tickets for an art exhibition on Saturday.Would you like to go with me?(3)W:Id love to,but I cant.My calendar is full.I work as a volunteer in the library that day.Text 4 W:All right,students.Here is the list of supplies you need.Be sure to get everything on the list.Youll need all of these notebooks,as well as pencils and paper.M:Okay,Mrs.Kaplan.My mom is taking me to the office supply store after class today.(4)Text 5 M:So,Ive put the batteries in,but I still cant figure out which one of these controllers I need to change the channel(5)W:The long one is for the television,and the colorful one on the instruction book is for the satellite TV.Text 6 W:Hey,do you mind giving me a ride home?M:I don t mind,but Im not leaving until 7:00.Can you wait until then?(7)W:Sure.But what are you doing until then?M:I am going to a meeting for the science club.Do you want to come?W:No.Im not fond of science.(6)I seldom get good grades in my science courses M:Well,maybe the club could help you get more excited about science.W:I doubt it.Ill just go to the campus cafeteria and read a novel while youre there.(7)M:Why dont you go to the library instead?W:It closes early on Thursdays But the campus cafeteria is open until 8:00 Text7(第 10 题为推断题)W:Mike,can you get out first and tell me if Ive parked between the lines?I might have to back up and try again M:Your right tire is right on the line,but the spot next to you is a parking space that is meant for someone in a wheelchair W:This spot is too small for our car,anyway.(8)Come on.We ll park somewhere else.(8)M:Are you sure you want to take the chance,Lisa?Its a holiday weekend,and I doubt there are better spaces available.W:Fine.Just be careful when youre opening the door,kids.M:So,you take Jenny to get some sports shoes,(9)and Ill take Roger in for his haircut.Ill be able to pick up your medicine at the drugstore while hes in there.W:Oh,thanks.We can meet up at the food court for lunch in.say an hour?M:Perfect Text 8 M:I see you can use chopsticks.I thought that most Americans didnt know how.W:There are many Chinese restaurants in American cities.We love to order food from restaurants,and many American kids learn to use them before they even start school.(11)M:Thats interesting.I think it would be easier to use what youre used to.When I eat American food.I dont use a knife and fork W:I think people just like the whole experience:the chopsticks.the little white boxes and,most importantly,the fortune cookies.(11)M:Ive heard about the fortune cookies,but Ive never seen one in China.(12)Why are they so popular?W:The little messages inside the cookies are really fun.People dont take them too seriously.but it has become a tradition over the years.After you finish eating your food,you just sit back and relax and read a message about your future.(13)M:What types of things do they say?W:Most of the time,they are simple sayings like,A person is never too old to learn.I dont think Ive ever had a bad one.M:Yeah,you want your customers to be happy at the end of their meal.Text9(第 16 题为总结题)M:Whats the best vacation that youve ever been on?W:When I was in middle school,I went to Thailand with my parents.(14)It was my first time out of the country,so it was pretty exciting.M:What did you do there?N:We spent one night in the capital Bangkok,and then we took a short flight to the southern part of the country.We saw many islands there,and you can take little boats between them.(14)来源:Z。xx。k.Com M:Did you go to Chiang Mai?Ive heard thats where the jungles and elephants are.Thats where Id want to go.W:Well.we wanted to,but that city is in the north,so we didnt have enough time.All right.your turn.M:Well,when I was 17 years old,I went to China with my classmates(15)We had been studying Chinese for a few years,and my teacher thought a trip to China would help us get to the next level.We spent two weeks there and stayed with host families.(15)We started out in Beijing,and then we spent a few days in Tianjin and Hangzhou.Our last stop was Shanghai,and thats where we flew home from.W:Was it cool to live with local families?M:Yes.Everyone was different,but they were all super friendly,They cooked amazing food every night.And because I talked with them every day,my Chinese really improved(15)Text 10 Time for your weather update and three-day forecast for the eastern shore,and Im afraid the news isnt very good,folks.We have some low temperatures coming at us,and its going to affect quite a few states over the next week or so.Im sure youve already heard of the heavy snows in Washington D.C.that started last night at around eleven(17)Well,that storm is heading upwards and fast.Were expecting it to hit the northern states like Delaware,New Jersey,and parts of Maryland.(18)This could happen anytime between four and nine in the morning tomorrow.Right now,temperatures in those states are dropping down below thirty degrees,(18)and they are expected to keep falling right down into the low twenties by Sunday.You know what that means.Yes,were going to have a lot of snow!Pennsylvania and New York will be able to avoid the bad weather until late Monday,but it doesnt look like this weather is going away any time soon.Now take a look at this colored map.You see all that purple?Thats where temperatures are at their most extreme,nineteen degrees being the lowest(19)We also see a lot of red here for the low twenties,followed by blue.In the meantime,we urge you to be safe and smart.Well update you again tomorrow:Saturday the 28th(20)

