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2012 广东省 深圳市 中考 英语 试卷 解析
2012年广东省深圳市中考英语试卷 第一部分选择题 I.选择填空i.从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑.(共5小题,每小题1分) 1.(1分)Shenzhen lies in the south of China.(  ) A.keeps B.finds C.is D.belongs 2.(1分)The little girl is fortunate to get help from so many strangers.(  ) A.lucky B.excited C.happy D.grateful 3.(1分)Liu Xiang's success came at a price.(  ) A.Without difficulty B.With a lot of hard work C.With little money D.without much time 4.(1分)When Jason was painting the wall,some boys passed by and wanted to join him.(  ) A.Went out B.Went through C.Went away D.Went past 5.(1分)The plane will take off in half an hour.(  ) A.Leave for B.Leave the ground and begin to fly C.Remove D.Land on the ground ii.从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑.(共14小题,每小题1分) 6.(1分)﹣________ the small town is! ﹣Yes,it is more beautiful than ________ town that I visited last year.(  ) A.How beautiful; the B.How beautifully; the C.How beautifully; a D.How beautiful; a 8.(1分)﹣What are the _______ doing there? ﹣They are busy _______ their science experiment.(  ) A.Boys students; to do B.Boy students; to do C.Boys students; doing D.Boy students; doing 9.(1分)﹣Mom,I got _______ place in the English Speech Competition? ﹣_______!That's really good news,dear!(  ) A.The first; Congratulation B.first; I'm sorry to hear that C.The first; Congratulations D.first; What a pity 10.(1分)﹣Who will teach _______ oral English next term?Can it be a new teacher? ﹣Perhaps.But our head teacher hasn't told us ________.(  ) A.your; already B.you; yet C.you; already D.your; yet 11.(1分)﹣What does the fresh juice contain? ﹣________of the juice ________ orange.It's very pure.(  ) A.Four﹣fifth; are B.Four﹣fifths; are C.Four﹣fifth; is D.Four﹣fifths; is 12.(1分)﹣It sounds ________ that a truck hit two cars. ﹣Luckily,_______of three drivers was hurt.(  ) A.terribly; none B.terrible; none C.terrible; neither D.terribly; neither 13.(1分)﹣Is there _______ in today's newspaper? ﹣Yes,it's really cheerful to read that a group of _______ kids joined the volunteers!(  ) A.anything new; ten﹣year﹣old B.something new; ten﹣years﹣old C.anything new; ten﹣years﹣old D.something new; ten﹣year﹣old 14.(1分)﹣It's said a pianist will perform at Poly Theater on Friday evening.Is it Lang Lang? ﹣Yes,it _______ him.He _______ for a week.(  ) A.must be; has arrived here B.maybe; has been here C.must be; has been here D.maybe; has arrived here 15.(1分)﹣It's time for dinner,Linda.Let's ________ out this evening. ﹣Nice.But I prefer Chinese food _______ western food.(  ) A.eat; to B.to eat; than C.eat; than D.to eat; to 16.(1分)﹣Would you like _______ the Wutong Mountain tommorrow? ﹣If my mother _______.I will go with you.(  ) A.climbing; will allow B.climbing; allows C.to climb; allows D.to climb; will allow 17.(1分)﹣_______ do you think of the football match? ﹣It's perfect.It's more exciting than _______ match that I have ever watched.(  ) A.How; any other B.How; any others C.What; any other D.What; any others 18.(1分)﹣What will you do _______ the summer holiday? ﹣I think I shall watch London Olympic Games.It will _______ in August.(  ) A.during; be held B.at; hold C.during; hold D.at; be hold 19.(1分)﹣Rose,we will start at six tomorrow morning.Don't be late,_______? ﹣_______.I'll be there on time.(  ) A.won't you; Yes,I will B.will you; Yes,I will C.will you; No,I won't D.won't you; No,I won't 20.(1分)﹣Can you guess _______? ﹣I've no idea about it.(  ) A.why was he late B.when shall we have the sports meeting C.where was she born D.how much he paid for the camera   II.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑.(共1小题,每小题10分) 21.(10分)Do you like going to a zoo to see (21)   ?How about(22)    a zoo and feeding the animals yourself?It's not a joke.It happened both in a film and in the(23)   . Benjamin Mee is a newspaper writer in Los Angeles,the US.His wife dies and he has to (24)    his two young kids.Hoping for a fresh start for his family.Mee(25)    his job and buys an old house on 73000square meters(26)    the city.The land comes with a special gift:a zoo in the country called the Rosemoor Animal Park! The zoo was (27)    because of the economy crisis (经济危机).With(28)    raising them,about 200animals are still living there. The Mee family decide to help reopen the zoo.But it's not an easy job(29)    they have no experience and little money.There are also unexpected (30)   ,such as a bear running away one day. This is the story of American movie We Bought a Zoo.It tells the real amazing story of Benjamin Mee. 21.A.tigers B.lions C.animals D.birds 22.A.buying B.visiting C.building D.renting 23.A.story book B.international website C.TV program D.real world 24.A.look for B.look after C.look up D.look at 25.A.finds B.gets C.quits D.loses 26.A.outside B.inside C.behind D.before 27.A.opened B.closed C.watched D.rebuilt 28.A.engineers B.nurses C.doctor

