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2023 学年 甘肃省 武威 中高 第四 模拟考试 英语 试卷 解析
2023学年高考英语模拟测试卷 考生须知: 1.全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。 2.请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。 3.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 1.________ competence in acquiring English today comes from the ability to express oneself rather than in simply passing exams. A.Due B.Raw C.Core D.Keen 2.In the students’ eyes, Mrs Smith is a mother more than a teacher. she treats the students just like her own children. A.As a result B.In other words C.What is more D.First of all 3.The days are gone physical strength was all you needed to make a living. A.that B.when C.where D.which 4.US slang is hugely ______ thanks to the many different ethnic groups that have settled in the country. A.delicate B.dynamic C.diverse D.desperate 5.The news shocked the public,______ to great concern about students' safety at school. A.having led B.led C.leading D.to lead 6.If you ________ come to our village, I’ll show you around. A.will B.shall C.must D.should 7.–My TV set doesn’t work, the water tap is dripping and my car is still under repair! –You sure ________ bad luck these days. A.had B.will have C.had had D.are having 8.—What’s up? You look down. —I have piles of papers ________, but I type so slowly. A.to be typed B.typed C.to type D.being typed 9.You ________ have booked the tickets in advance; there were plenty left. A.needn’t B.can’t C.shouldn’t D.mustn’t 10.Our bedrooms are all on the sixth floor, with its own bathroom. A.all B.every C.either D.each 11.David didn’t attend his daughter’s graduation ceremony, but he does wish he there. A.should be B.would be C.had been D.were 12.As you go through this book, you ________ that each of the millions of people who lived through World War II had a different experience. A.will find B.found C.had found D.have found 13. carefully for long time,the opening ceremony won a great success. A.Having prepared B.To be prepared C.Being prepared D.Having been prepared 14.I wish I ______ photography then. If so, I could give you a hand at present. A.studied B.had studied C.have studied D.will study 15.—Guess what! I came across an old friend at the station last weekend. — I’m sure you talked with him happily. A.Sounds good! B.Very well. C.How nice! D.All right. 16.________ they’ve managed to get everything finished so quickly is not clear to us. A.Which B.What C.That D.How 17.--- Hello, Tom. This is Mary speaking. --- What a coincidence! I_________ about you. A.just thought B.was just thinking C.have just thought D.would just think 18.Video games can be a poor influence if ________ in the wrong hands. A.to leave B.leaving C.leave D.left 19.________she is not so healthy _______she used to be? A.Why is it that; what B.Why it is that; that C.Why is it that; as D.Why it is that; who 20.--- Did you watch the final match of China Open yesterday? ---Sure. I it so attentively that I forgot to cook supper. A.watched B.had watched C.was watching D.was to watch 第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 21.(6分)Soaping up your hands may do more than just get rid of germs. It may wash away the inner confusion you feel right after being forced to make a choice between two appealing choices, according to a new study. The study builds on past research into a phenomenon known as “the Macbeth effect”. It turns out that Shakespeare was really onto something when he imagined lady Macbeth trying to clean her conscience(良心)by rubbing invisible bloodstains from her hands. A few years ago, scientists asked people to describe a past wrong act. If people were then given a chance to clean their hands, they later expressed less guilt than people who hadn’t cleaned. This finding fascinated W. S. Lee, a researcher. “Anything from the past, any kind of negative emotional experiences, might be washed away,” says Lee. He decided to test hand washing’s effect on one kind of bad feeling: the tension we feel after being forced to choose between two attractive choices, because picking one choice makes us feel that we’ve lose the other. People usually try to calm this inner conflict by later exaggerating(夸大)the positive aspects of their choice. He had students rank 10 different music CDs. Then he offered students one CD as a gift. Some students then use liquid soap. Others only looked at the soap or sniffed(嗅)it. “Actually, you do not need water and soap,” says Lee. Later, the students again had to rank all the music. People who didn’t wash their hands had the normal response — they scored their take-home CD higher, suggesting that they now saw it as even more attractive than before. But this wasn’t true for the hand washers. They ranked the music about the same. “they feel no need at all to justify the choice,” say Lee. But the implications of it just aren’t clear. Schwarz says it’s too soon to k

