高校科技成果产业化研究 ——以a大学为例工商管理专业.docx






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高校科技成果产业化研究 以a大学为例 工商管理专业 高校 科技成果 产业化 研究 大学 工商管理 专业
高校科技成果产业化研究 ——以A大学为例 Universities’ Technology Commercialization Businesses Study 摘 要 就当前阶段而言,促进高科技产业化的发展俨然已经成为全球各个国家和地区经济发展进程中,最为关键性的战略方案之一。各个国家倾其所有在法律、经济、行政管理等多个方面给予措施保障,想方设法就科技成果如何转化为生产力这一渠道给予拓展,开展多种形式的高科技成果产业化活动,促进更多的优秀科技成果带动经济的前行,尽可能缩短高科技成果转化为先进工艺的周期,使其能够尽快商品化,以此提升国家的经济实体和整体国力。相较于国外很多国家来说,我国的科技成果数量较多,然而实际转化为现实生产力的科技成果却甚少,而独具竞争力的产业更加凤毛麟角。这些实际问题的出现和发生,值得我们就我国的科技成果产业化进行问题的深入思考和探究。 科技成果产业化不同于其他产业发展,这是一个更具复杂性的系统性工程,受到各种因素的制约,需要在科技成果产业化的过程中,将劳动力、原材料、资金、设备等各个要素进行有机组合,才能经过有效途径的管理,方能够实现最终的高科技成果产业化。这一工程所牵扯的环节和因素众多,各个环节和因素都将会直接作用于科技成果产业化过程中,对科技成果产业化的成败具有举足轻重的作用。虽然我国科研管理来已经具备系统性的理论知识,然而科技成果产业化的研究依然较为落后,虽然国内对于该方面的研究始终未曾停止,也有一些理论研究人员在科技成果转化上取得了些许建树,然而理论性的研究依然过于零碎、分散,停滞不前的理论研究对于科技成果产业化的有序开展有所影响。基于此,我国目前在科技成果产业化方面的研究亟待进一步推进,就科技成果产业化方面的研究,也不能仅仅停留于对理论知识的思考,还应该就其现实意义给予剖析。科技成果产业化所涵盖的知识有很多,其需要深入研究的问题也不少,在本研究中,就从影响科技成果转化的各个因素出发,就科技成果产业化模式给予分析,从而提出目前以A大学为例的我国高科技成果转化中的问题,及针对问题所提出的改进措施等,这些都是在本文中要逐一分析的关键所在。 本文以A大学高科技产业化为切入,就A大学高科技成果产业化发展现状给予分析,提出目前阶段A大学科技成果产业化中的存在问题,同时本文从科研人员的心理认知视角为着眼点,深入探讨变革型领导对科技产业转化的作用机制。同时引入心理授权和组织创新氛围等变量,探究其在两者之间的作用,就影响科技产业化的动力机制给予实证研究与分析。基于对国内外文献的梳理,提出一系列理论假设。其次,通过发放210 份有效调查问卷,利用 SPSS统计学软件对理论假设进行验证。最后,得出主要结论为:(1)变革型领导对科技产业化具有正向影响;(2)变革型领导和科研人员心理授权之间呈正相关关系;(3)心理授权对科技成果转化有正向影响,即科技成果转化的实现要受到心理授权的影响;(4)心理授权中介了变革型领导对科技成果转化的影响从而提高了科技产业化成功的可能性;(5)组织创新氛围在变革型领导和科技产业化之间起调节;(6)组织创新氛围调节了心理授权在变革型领导和科技产业化之间的中介作用,组织创新氛围越高,心理授权对变革型领导与科技产业化成功率之间的中介作用越强。 紧接着在文章中就我国众多的高科技成果的过程中,产业化成果偏少这一现实情况进行问题挖掘,通过就科技成果产业化转化过程等的研究,结合国外先进的高科技成果产业化发展措施,提出A大学为代表的我国高科技成果产业化对策和建议。期望通过本文的理论研究,能够对于A大学在内的我国高科技成果产业化以启迪,提升我国整体的高科技成果产业化发展活力,期望能够将更多的理论研究灵活运用到科技成果产业化实践活动中,促进我国产业化成果效率的稳步提升,为我国未来的高科技成果转化奉献力量。 关键词:科技成果;科技产业化;机制;系统性; 产业升级 Abstract To promote the development of high-tech industry seems to have become the world's economic development process in various countries and regions is one of the most crucial strategy. All countries have put resource to protect their legal, economic, administrative and other aspects, and have tried to expand the ways of how scientific and technological achievements can be transformed into productive forces,and carry out various forms of high-tech industrialization activities to promote more Excellent scientific and technological achievements drive the economy forward,shorten the cycle of high-tech achievements into advanced processes,and enable them to be commercialized in a shorter term, thereby enhancing the country's economic entities and overall national strength. Compared with many foreign countries,China has a large number of scientific and technological achievements,but the scientificand technological achievements that actually transform into actual products and services are few, and the success commercialization cases are even rarer. The emergence and occurrence of these practical problems leads our deep thinking and exploration on the issue of the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements in China. The industrialization of scientific and technological achievements is different from the development of other industries. This is a more complex systematic project. It is subject to various factors and needs to integrate labor, materials,capital,equipment and other factors in the process of industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. Only The industrialization of high-tech achievements requires effective management. There are many links and factors involved in this project. All links and factors will directly affect the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements,and play an important role in the success of the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. Although China's scientific research management has already possessed systematic theoretical knowledge,the research on industrialization of scientific and technological achievements is still relatively backward. Although application research on this aspect is very active,some theoretical researchers have made some achievements in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. However, the theoretical research is still too fragmented and scattered, and the stagnant theoretical research has an impact on the orderly development of the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. Based on this, China's current research on the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements needs to be further promoted. There are many kinds of knowledge covered by the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, and there are many problems that need to be studied in depth. In this study, from the various factors affecting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements,the analysis of the industrialization mode of scientific and technological achievements is given. A university's example of the transformation of China's high-tech achievements, and the improvement measures proposed for the problems,etc,are the key points to be analyzed one by one in this paper. Based on the high-tech indu

