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2023 学年 陕西省 西安市 第一次 调研 测试 英语 试卷 解析
2023学年高考英语模拟测试卷 请考生注意: 1.请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用0.5毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。 2.答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的《注意事项》,按规定答题。 第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 1.---Tom has failed again in the math exam. I am really let down. ---______ He has already done his best. A.Don’t push him. B.No kidding. C.He should be to blame. D.No wonder. 2.As a doctor, I spend most of the time with my patients, and that’s ________ it is in my day. A.how B.when C.why D.where 3.If you want to go further in the new sport, the best way is to ______ and practise more frequently. A.dive in B.drop out C.catch on D.spring up 4. if I had arrived yesterday without letting you know beforehand? A.Would you be surprised B.Were you surprised C.Had you been surprised D.Would you have been surprised 5.Different cultural features of ethnic groups are ________ one another and work out a melody. A.in tune with B.in parallel with C.in contrast to D.in response to 6.Sometimes, the kind of food we serve a person suggests ________ we show our gratitude. A.when B.what C.why D.how 7.President Xi underlines that it is only with joint efforts to keep maritime peace ________ build a maritime community with a shared future for mankind. A.can we B.we can C.that we can D.that can we 8.A problem has occurred we should develop innovative thinking abilities in the classrooms by giving students opportunities to generate new ideas. A.what B.where C.whether D.that 9.Wechat intends to radically change the way ______ people use mobilephones. A./ B.which C.why D.who 10.—Did your father enjoy seeing his old friends yesterday? —Yes, he did. They each other for ages. A.didn’t see B.wouldn’t see C.haven’t seen D.hadn’t seen 11.Zhouqu, Gansu was attacked by such a terrible mud-rock flow few residents had ever experienced before. A.as B.which C.where D.that 12. “Cell phone” is a American usage,but British speakers always use “mobile phone”. A.normal B.common C.formal D.usual 13._____ to manage time wisely, and you can make the most out of each day. A.Learning B.To learn C.Learned D.Learn 14.Each party _______ respect the articles of this contract, or a double-sized financial punishment is a must. A.will B.could C.shall D.should 15.This car is important to our family. We would repair it at our expense _______ it break down within the first year. A.could B.would C.might D.should 16.Our football team had a lead in the match, but the last minute goal of the guest team . A.gave it away B.put it away C.wiped it away D.carried it away 17.When faced with a big challenge ________ potential failure seems to hide at every corner, maybe you've heard this advice before: “Be more confident.” A.where B.whose C.which D.of which 18.If you are feeling so tired, perhaps a little sleep would____. A.act B.help C.serve D.last 19.One of our rules is that every student _______ wear school uniform while at school. A.might B.could C.shall D.will 20.Sometimes I act as a listening ear for fellow students ________ what is bothering them. A.to talk over B.talked over C.talk over D.having talked over 第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 21.(6分)Though Grant and I are typically more traditional, we actually met online, through Facebook. As a single mom, it was always a nightmare trying to date, as I have full custody (抚养权) of my daughter and very little “me” time. But that wasn’t the only challenge we had to overcome as a couple -we also lived four and a half hours away from one another. But when two people are meant to be, life sure has an interesting way of bringing two people together. Nine months ago, I randomly added him on Facebook. After weeks of messaging back and forth, we had our first four-hour phone call, and the long call led to our first date. In the six and half months that we dated, I got to witness an attractive, charming bachelor become a positive, loving and selfless father to my little girl. On the day of our engagement(订婚), he took my daughter and I to breakfast. I had a feeling that he was planning something. But after anxiously eating breakfast, hoping and praying he wasn’t going to get down on one knee in the middle of a very busy Saturday morning brunch, we left. Then, we walked a mile into the woods. It was quite the adventure. Finally, we got to a wooden bridge in the middle of the forest and he got down on one knee. After proposing to me, Grant got back to propose to my daughter. He said, “Adrianna, can I be your daddy, to promise to love and protect you for the rest of your life?” As soon as he spoke those sweet words, I once again broke down in tears. My daughter replied in complete shock, “thank you!” He then presented her with a beautiful heart necklace. The necklace symbolizes a piece of his heart that she can always carry with her. Our beautiful little family of two has become three. My daughter a

